Chapter Fourteen

"And where have you been?" Joey pounced as soon as Marki entered the hotel room. "For three hours?" Joey questioned, his eyebrow raised.

"We had lunch and then we went shopping ... god, what crawled up your butt and died?" Marki rolled her eyes and began going through her purchases.

"Nothing's up my butt, I was worried about you! You missed soundcheck and you almost never miss -"

"Did you suddenly gain the right to know exactly what I did all day? Did we become more than just friends and I just don't remember?" Marki looked at her best friend with a confused look. "Quit acting like a jealous boyfriend, Joey, it doesn't suit you."

"I'm not acting like a jealous boyfriend," Joey huffed, plopping down on the couch.

"You are," Marki insisted, pulling out a pair of jeans. "And quit pouting. Here, these are for you."

Joey's eyes lit up inspite of himself. "Cool. Thanks, Mar."

"You're welcome." She kicked her shoes off and fell onto the couch beside him. "So, what happened in soundcheck that had Chris' panties all in a twist?"

Joey shrugged. "I dunno ... something to do with Shannon. I think he really has it for her bad. He totally flipped out and yelled some shit at J and Lance and then just bolted. You should've seen the look on Lonnie's face as he ran after him," he giggled and shook his head. "Priceless."

"I knew it!" Marki proclaimed loudly.

"Knew what?" Joey looked completely lost.

"Chris and Shannon ... they're in love." She sighed happily and laid her head on Joey's shoulder. "So cute."

"Wait, wait, wait ... they've only known each other what ... three days? And they're in love?" Joey scoffed. "That's not cute, it's just crazy."

"What, you're saying there's no such thing as love at first sight? Like you'd even know what love is," Marki frowned, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Hey! I do too!" Joey protested.

"Right ... sure you do, Joe." Marki rolled her eyes. "When have you ever been in love - and being in lust doesn't count."

Joey's eyes darkened with anger. "I have too been in love, Marsha Lynne Hooper." The use of her full name shocked Marki into silence. "I remember this girl who I went to school with, we were best friends. I thought she was the most perfect, the most ... beautiful girl I'd ever seen ... we started dating and things were great ... until she wanted more and I was too much of a coward to give her that."

Marki sat in stunned silence, blinking back tears of surprise.

Joey continued. "So yes, Marki, I've been in love ... I've been in love with you, more than once. Maybe I never stopped."

"Joey ... I don't know what to say ..."

"Are you telling me that I've actually rendered you speechless?" Joey raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a small smile.

Marki gave him a wry look. "Slightly ... I'll recover." She noticed suddenly that Joey had moved very close to her and her heart beat quickly as he put his arm around her waist and she could feel his breath on her cheek when next he spoke.

"Well ... I wonder if this will make you speechless." Joey kissed her gently on the lips, deepening the kiss when he felt her arms tighten around his neck. Marki moaned softly, allowing Joey's tongue access to the warm recess of her mouth, their kisses growing harder and more urgent. Marki laid back on the couch, relishing the weight of Joey's body on hers, missing the way they had always felt together. Joey slipped his hand under the hem of her shirt, Marki breathed in deeply, and -


Joey's eyes locked with Marki's. "Should I ignore it ... or kill the person on the other side?"

Marki kissed him softly. "Ignore it."

Joey chuckled. "Yes ma'am ... now, where were we?"

Marki moved his hand back to her stomach. "Right about here."

The door opened, unnoticed by Joey and Marki, and a surprised Johnny shut the door as quickly as he had opened it, shaking his head.

"Well, it's about damn time."

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