Chapter Seven

(11:30 p.m., backstage at Madison Square Garden)

The show was amazing.

The show was incredible.

The show had completely rocked, and Colin was shocked as hell.

He let his eyes wander over his surroundings and played with the laminated pass around his neck. He had never even imagined he'd ever be caught dead at an *N SYNC show ... let alone backstage at one, but he had to admit he had been wrong. The guys in the group were great, he had a lot more in common with them than he ever would have thought, and he was quickly beginning to count them as friends. Chris had even gone so far as to ask for a demo of Colin's band as he knew Lance's company was looking for new acts, and his own company, FuMan Skeeto, was also looking for artists.

He watched the flurry of activity backstage, from the crew breaking down the equipment, to the guys unwinding by chasing each other around the dressing area - playing practical jokes and teasing. Colin could see his sister laughing with Chris, and it made him miss his girlfriend, Amber. He was supposed to head back home to Maryland in a week, but he was having such an incredible time, he almost hated for it to end. Justin caught his eye and trotted over to him.

"Hey! Glad you came!" Justin grinned, patting him on the shoulder.

"I wouldn't miss it," Colin laughed. "You know how I find JC so dreamy."

"Don't we all," Justin rolled his eyes. "I know it's not exactly your 'thing', but I'm glad you decided to come anyway."

"No - it was great, really. It rocked," Colin admitted.

"You think?" Justin looked surprised.

"Yeah, besides - you guys are my friends ..." Colin said shyly.

"Cool," Justin's blue eyes sparkled, and he smiled broadly. "Everything okay with you?"

"Yeah ... I'm just missing my girl a little," Colin shrugged. "She's back at home, and I wanted her to come up here with me, but she couldn't afford it."

"That's too bad," Justin sympathized, mentally filing the information away so he could ask Shannon about it later. "You going with us to the club?"

Colin stretched and shook his head. "Nah ... I think I'm just gonna go back to Shannon's apartment and crash, maybe call Amber."

"You're no fun," Justin teased.

"Yeah, yeah ... whatever."


An hour later at the club, Lance and Destiny held the table while Chris and Shannon went to get drinks and everyone else was on the dance floor, which was wall-to-wall people. Joey, as usual, was in the middle of everything, dancing energetically with Marki, Justin and Michelle nearby. JC and Laurie had decided to spend a quiet night together doing 'couple things' - dinner, a movie, and some much needed alone time.

"Okay - comin' through!" Shannon plunked a tray filled with drinks down on the table and smiled at Destiny, who she could see was dying to get out on the dance floor. "We've got the table, Des - go on!"

"You heard her! Let's go, Lance!"

"Wha -?" Lance didn't have the time to finish his question as Destiny pulled him behind her onto the crowded dance floor. He looked around uncomfortably, dancing was not his strong suit, but when he felt Destiny's body pressed against his and felt his own body react, he quickly forgot his hangups and let his body move to the music. He wasn't sure if it was his own endorphins, the smell of her hair, the frenzied music, or the atmosphere - but his excitement was becoming difficult to hide. Destiny turned to face him when she felt his 'excitement' brush up against her hip.

"Having problems?" She asked him coyly.

"No ..." Lance answered, embarrassed.

She looked up at him through her eyelashes as she casually let her hand brush over the bulge in his jeans. "You sure about that?"

Lance groaned audibly and closed his eyes, pulling Destiny closer to him. "You'd better be careful, baby girl. You're heading into dangerous territory." His eyes were liquid green fire, his deep voice thick with desire. She felt her heart's pace quicken, licked her lips and felt her adrenaline rush.

"I like it dangerous," Destiny replied, not believing her own words. Lance growled and pulled her tightly against him, grinding his crotch into her own; seductively, possessively.

"I mean it, Des ... you're in dangerous waters here." His eyes dark with lust.

"Maybe I am. What do you want to do about it?"

His breath was hot on her skin, his hands roaming over her exposed back, his fingers hesitating on the ties of the halter top she was wearing. Destiny moaned as she felt his lips brush over the sensitive area where her neck met her shoulder, a shiver taking over her body.

"God ... I want you." Lance breathed in her ear, pulling back to gauge her reaction. Destiny took a deep breath and took his hand.

"My place or yours?"


Lance pulled Destiny into the apartment, his legs shaking with the effort of not taking her right then, licking his lips as she turned and led him into her bedroom. She locked the door carefully behind them.

"To keep Chris out," Destiny grinned, and Lance pressed her up against the wall, his lips devouring her own. His hands fumbled with the ties of her top and her hands fumbled with the button of his pants as they stumbled across the room to the bed. Lance pulled away from her and ran his fingers down the side of her face.

"You're sure?" His green eyes were crystal clear, their pupils dialiated with emotion.

"Yes," Destiny breathed, her heart pounding. Lance covered her body with his own, kissing her flesh that was as hot with desire as his own. He removed her top, taking her breasts in his hands, letting his tongue tease one of her nipples, her back arching into him as she moaned. He made quick work of shedding the remainder of his clothing and hers, returning to worshipping her body. His lips travelled down her torso, his hands gently pushing her legs apart as his mouth crashed down onto her wetness, his tongue probing and teasing her clit.

"Holy shit ... god, Lance ... don't stop!" Destiny cried, pushing herself into him. He looked up at her with one eyebrow raised, a sly smile on his lips.

"And what if I do?"

"I ... I ... god, I'm gonna kill you!" She panted, glaring at him.

"Oh ... but then I won't be able to do this," Lance grinned as he let one of his fingers slide between her pulsating folds. It was all Destiny could do not to scream, her body responding in ways she had never before felt. His hands played her body like an instrument, creating a symphony with rises and crecendoes and sending her places she had never been. And that was just with the foreplay. Just when Destiny thought she couldn't take anymore, Lance moved above her and entered her as they each elicited moans of the utmost pleasure. They moved together as one, his throbbing cock sliding in and out of her tight wetness, shocks of pleasure making both of them gasp, wanting the feeling to never end. Destiny let her hands roam over his bare back, her lips dotting his face and shoulders with kisses. Lance covered her mouth with his, his tongue slipping between her lips easily, moaning as his desire overcame him.

"Destiny ... I'm going to cum, baby," Lance panted, his green eyes looking deeply into her own.

"Oh, god, Lance ..." Destiny felt her walls contract as he came into her with such a force that they both cried out before collapsing, their bodies slick with sweat. Lance shuddered, rising up slightly to brush a strand of her light red hair out of her eyes, his hand cupping the side of her face.

"You are so beautiful ..." Lance whispered, his heart banging in his chest, his emotions overwhelming.

Destiny could only smile, it was all too much for her to comprehend, her throat tightening with unsaid words. She kissed him softly and he lay his head on her chest as they both fell into a deep sleep.

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