Chapter Eight

Marki didn't know what it was, but something was different about Joey.

Very different.

For starters, he pulled out her chair whenever she went to sit down. He was also going and getting her drinks, asking her to dance, and when they did dance, he was holding her closely, dancing a lot more suggestively, and just generally being more clingy than usual.

All things that were not normal for Joey Fatone.

Another slow song came on, and Joey asked Marki sweetly to dance with him. She sighed as she felt his strong arms slide around her waist, smiling to herself as he pulled her tightly against him, his rich baritone singing the words to the song.

I can still see your face

But I still can't explain

How you were there so suddenly

And as you walked away from me

I knew that we were meant to be

Holding onto my hope

But I just gotta know

Will you do what it takes

From the mountains to the seas

Across the miles of memories

Through the endless dark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

Past the walls of fear and pride

To a place where love can't hide

Searching for a spark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

Joey noticed Marki smile, and grinned back at her. "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing, I'm smiling," Marki replied, sticking out her tongue at him.

"I wish you'd do it more often, you frown too much, Mar." Joey said seriously.

Marki looked at him questioningly. "What are you talking about, Joey?"

"I dunno - it just seems like lately you don't seem very happy." Joey shrugged.

"Maybe it's because I don't have a whole lot to smile about," Marki pointed out, her eyes cast downward. Joey tilted her chin up to look at him, smiled at her sweetly, and touched her lips with his in a soft kiss. Marki almost let herself fall into the kiss before her brain kicked in an she pulled back quickly. "Don't."

Joey looked hurt. "What?"

"Don't do that, Joey. I'm not going to go through this again, my heart can't take it." Marki cast him a look of apology before turning and walking away.

There are times we lose track

And have to fight our way back

But even more than before

We know what we're reaching for

You're my date with destiny

Whatever goes wrong

Gotta keep holding on

Gotta do what it takes

From the mountains to the seas

Across the miles of memories

Through the endless dark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

She stepped outside into the soft, warm air of a late summer evening, knowing it would only be moments before she would hear Joey's heavy tread following behind her. As if on cue, Joey bounded up to Marki, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him.

Past the walls of fear and pride

To a place where love can't hide

Searching for a spark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

"What did I do?" Joey's eyes were cloudy, unreadable.

"You didn't do anything, Joey ... I just can't do this anymore." Marki smiled gently at her best friend.

"Can't do what?" Joey asked, confused.

"This ... this whole 'we are/we aren't' thing you and I have been dancing around forever. It's making me miserable and it shows. Laurie and Destiny were talking to me today, and they helped me realize that I can't let you use me like this anymore." Marki said firmly.

Say you'll walk the distance

Say you will

"Destiny? You're going to listen to someone you've known for a day over your best friend for twelve years?" Joey quickly grew angry. "I've never used you, Mar - and you know it's true."

"Then what do you call what's been going on for the past twelve years, Joe?" Marki's eyes shot green fire. "This whole 'best friends with benefits' thing has been going on just as long as our friendship. It seems like I'm only your best friend because you know that when you don't have someone to hold, when there's no one to warm the other side of the bed, you know that I'll be the one to fill that void. I'm not doing it a day longer, Joey. I'm done being 'your girl' until the next best thing comes along - my heart can't take it anymore."

I can still see your face

Like an angel in time and place

Gotta turn every stone

Take every road

Gotta keep holding on

Gotta do what it takes

Joey took a step back from his best friend - the girl he loved more than anything in the world, the girl he would be with if he just ignored his stupid pride and let her in. His shoulders slumped and he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mar."

"Are you?" Marki questioned, her dander still up.

"Yes, I'm so sorry." Joey looked at her seriously, kicking at the pavement. "God, I'm an idiot."

"I'm not inclined to disagree ... but why are you an idiot, Joey?" Marki asked, her eyebrow raised.

"Cause I am." Joey didn't want to say anything further until he had the chance to sort out his thoughts. "I promise I'll make this whole thing up to you."

Marki sighed and put her arm around his waist. "Joey ... I don't know how you manage to redeem yourself everytime. No matter what you do to piss me off, you always manage to make me forgive you."

"That's cause you love me, right?" Joey attempted a grin as he looked down at her.

"Yeah," Marki sighed. "Unfortunately, I do."

"So what can I do to make this up to you?" Joey asked sincerely.

"Well ... there was this Lexus that I saw ..."

"Funny, Mar - really funny."

From the mountains to the seas

Across the miles of memories

Through the endless dark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

Past the walls of fear and pride

To a place where love can't hide

Searching for a spark

Say you'll walk the distance to my heart

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