The Bad Ass Chronicles

Bad Ass: (n.) a person who does not follow the rules of polite society all the time

Welcome to The Bad Ass Chronicles. As you can see from the definition above...the characters in these short stories don't always play nice. Read on to find out how you can be more Bad Ass...

** DISCLAIMER: Take a look at the definition there, folks. These stories are definitely not G rated Disney sugary goodness. There can be some rather harsh language at times as well some sexual situations. So don't e-mail me throwing a fit 'cause you read something in one of these stories that offended you. You've been warned. And might I just add that I mean no libel here, and even though it's highly possible, I don't know that any member of NSYNC would act the way I portay them. It's fiction, guys, and it's fun! I don't know/own any of the members of the group. I do own my characters though. Later taters! **

Poetry Slam
Avoiding Christmas
If I Want To
Rope Burn