Allen's Falls

"Eliza, are you tied on up there?"

"Yeah, I'm grounded, now get your scrawny ass up here!"

"C, your girl is on crack, man."

"That she is, but I love her anyway. Okay, I'm ready to climb up there. Keep the tension in that rope."

"I've done this before with y'all, JC, I know what to do."

"You two need to quit talking about me and start climbing," Eliza yelled down to the two men. What started out as a nice day with a relatively moderate temperature was slowly turning into a nice day in a sauna as far as Eliza was concerned.

"I'm sweating like a pig," she mumbled looking down the face of the cliff JC had chosen to climb. Justin had already taken off his shirt, his sweaty body glistening in the sun.

"Where's Shelle when you need her? She'd be all over Justin like white on rice. Too bad that body does nothing for me," she thought. A sudden tug on the rope brought her wandering attention back to her boyfriend. JC was standing on a small ledge half way up the cliff and taking off his t-shirt.

"Now that definitely does something for me," Eliza thought staring down at her man. The tip of her tongue slipped out to moisten her parched lips as she watched a bead of sweat trickle down from his hairline. Her eyes followed as that small drop moved slowly over his shoulders, caressing the skin over every vertebrae in his spine before disappearing below the waistband of his boxers. JC tucked the t-shirt into the back pocket of his cargo shorts, making Eliza want to grab onto that exact body part and lick the slick, salty path that bead of sweat had left on his back.

"Justin, on belay?"

"On belay, climb up to Eliza and hurry up man. I'd like to get up there and enjoy the falls before heat exhaustion sets in 'cause you're taking too damn long." JC continued his climb and Eliza continued watching...practically drooling over him. There was just something about a man sweating due to manual labor that was incredibly sexy to her. Ten minutes later, JC made it to the top of the cliff, drenched in sweat and panting slightly from the physical strain of climbing the main cliff at Allen's Falls.

"Liza, could you get me a bottle of water, please," he asked using the soiled shirt to wipe sweat from his forehead and neck. Eliza couldn't move. She was completely oblivious to the fact that JC was even talking to her. The only thing registering in her mind was that her boyfriend was standing in front of her, half naked and sweaty and looking damn sexy. All she could do was stare at his body.

"Liza, sweetheart," JC said breaking her from her reverie, "if you keep that up, we might both need to take a swim under the falls to cool down. I don't think Justin wasn't to hike up the path and take the long way."

"Well Justin isn't my boyfriend offering to go skinny dipping with me since we're both so sweaty and sticky. Let him walk up the long way," she said unhooking her harness and pulling off her shirt. She threw it at JC and began to dispose of her sports bra as she turned to run towards the falls. He wasn't about to turn down that invitation.

"I love it when she's spontaneous like this. We need to go rock climbing and get sweaty more often," he said with a smile as he followed Eliza, stripping his clothes off on the way.

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