If I Didn't Have You

"Holly, you doing okay in here?" Sitting at the vanity, she caught Amber's gaze in the mirror's reflection.

"It's normal to be this nervous, right? This isn't a way of me finding out that we aren't meant to be together, is it?"

"Hon, don't even think like that. You love Joey and believe me, he loves you. I don't know from personal experience, but I'm sure every bride is nervous on the day of her wedding. I bet you anything I'd be a complete basket case on my wedding day."

"Are you hinting at something, Amber?"

"God no, JC and I are totally comfortable with the way things are going right now. To JC, the word future means, 'What do I have to put down on Amber's grocery list so I won't starve'."

"It's a little overwhelming to know that I'd be absolutely lost without Joey in my life," Holly said looking down at her hands.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Why don't you let me finish fixing your hair and then we'll get you to the church and into that beautiful dress?"

"Maybe I'm just nervous about singing the song I wrote for him," she thought.

"Perfect, now let's go round up the rest of the girls and get the show on the road. JC said that he's anxious to see you about something." On the ride over to the church, Holly thought about the first time she met Joey. He'd literally knocked her on her ass.


"Hey, Ber, which pile of stuff goes with you?"

"The one by the door that has my red bag on top of it!" Holly lifted the heavy bag.

"Damn woman, did you pack the whole house?" She was turning around when someone came running through the door yelling for Justin.

"Justin, you little shit! Did you think you'd get away with it?? Where the hell are...fuck!"

"Damn it! God, is it too much to ask that you watch where you're going? I could have broken something important...say...my ankle!"

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

"Holly, are you okay? Hi, Joe, what are you doing here?"

"Breaking my ankle...that's what he's doing."

"Damn girl, that looks bad. Okay, um...Joey, do you think you could put her in my truck? I'm just going to call Andy and Warren and have them head to camp and reserve our spot."


He'd even sat the three hours in the ER with Amber while they put the cast on.

"Talk about a life altering experience," Holly thought with a smile. The doctor on call in the ER that day had told her about one of the hospital's best counselors leaving to start a family. Having just received her Bachelors for Psychology, Holly applied for the position the next day. Joey felt so bad that he had made himself nurse until Holly had agreed to go on a date with him as a peace offering. Amber and Jessie had helped her accessorize around the cast and crutches for the most interesting date of her life.


"You listen to 80s music? Amber had me convinced I was the only person in the state who did."

"Well, not everyone can be as perfect as we are," he said with a smile.

"So where are we going, dinner and a movie?"

"That's been played out one too many times, don't you think? You got part of it right. I did make us dinner, but after that we are going to watch the sun set and take a moonlit walk in the park."

"Walk in the park? Are you sure that's wise? I'm kinda gimpy here."

"Don't worry your beautiful head about a thing. I've got it covered."


Their walk in the park was actually a piggy back ride up a winding hill road that over looked the city of Orlando. They sat and talked until sunrise. Both felt completely at ease with each other and Holly realized that night that she had been missing out on life by not dating anyone after her relationship with Eric. Joey made her life fun and enjoyable again.

"Holly, we're here," Jen said breaking her chain of thought. Each of the girls were Holly's bridesmaids and her sister was the matron of honor because she didn't want it to seem that she was playing favorites. Her choice worked out quite well because Joey had asked his brother to be his best man and the gusy served as his ushers. They had just finished getting Holly into her dress when there was a knock on the door.

"Joey, that better not be you," Jen yelled walking towards it.

"It's me, babe," Justin yelled through the door. She quickly let him into the room.

"Joey and Steve are holding Lance and JC hostage until the ceremony. I was told to come back here to make sure that y'all are on time."

"Is my father here yet?"

"Yeah, he just drove in. The photographer just got here too. I need to get back out there though. Good luck today, Holly, and I hope he makes you happy," Justin said giving her a kiss on the cheek. Holly didn't respond though. At the mention of the photographer, she got caught up in another memory.


"Joe, if you don't hurry up, we'll be late getting to the photo shoot and you know how that upsets JC."

"Okay, I'm ready to go."

"You're worse than a girl. I was ready twenty minutes ago."

"Ha ha, you're just so funny. I don't know why I put up with you."

"Because you love me and I'm crazy about you."

"You know what? You're absolutely right."


She'd shocked him that day at the photo shoot and that's what made the day so special.


"Man, it's too hot to be dressed up in a suit like this."

"Joey, if you'd quit whining, we'll get done and out of here sooner."

"Guys, this photo spread is going to show up in the February issue of the magazine. I need you to have that look of love in your eyes."

"I think I might be able to help," Holly said from her spot in the corner. "Can I try something?"

"Be my guest, cause they aren't listening to me," the man said. She hopped off her stool and walked over to where Joey and the rest of the guys were standing.

"Okay, you four just need to think about the people you love most in your life and I'll take care of Joey here," she said to the other four.

"Joey, we've been together for two-and-a-half years now and I've been agonizing about how to say this for over a month.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Joe, I love you with everything I have in me. You breathed life back into my body when I didn't even know I needed it. You look past my faults and accept me for the person I am. I feel complete when I'm with you." She knelt down in front of him and pulled a simple gold band from her pocket.

"I'd like to be with you always if you'll have me in your life that long."

"You...you're asking me to marry you?"

"It looks that way, baby."

"Yes," he whispered pulling her to her feet. "Yes, I'll marry you, Holly-Bear."


"Holly, it's time."

"I think I'm going to puke."

"I have something for you, baby. Your mother wore these earrings at our wedding and wanted you and Heather to wear them on your wedding day. She'd be so proud of you, Honey. I know I am. You found a good match with Joey. I hope he treats my little girl like a princess."

"I love you, Dad."

"Come on, I know of a certain young man waiting to see you." The ceremony was simple, traditional and beautifully done. The wedding itself was over, but Holly was more nervous now. With JC's help, she'd be singing the song she'd written since the very start of her relationship with Joey. The last time she'd been that nervous was when she'd met Joey's parents for the first time.


"Holly, don't stress over this so much. They know that you make me happy and that's all that matters to them. Just let them see the wonderful and real person you are and you'll be fine, I promise. You trust me, right?"

"I trust you."


She'd have to trust herself and JC this time. The meal was eaten, the toasts were given and it was time for Holly and Joey's first dance as man and wife. Holly took the mic from the dj and after taking a deep breath and getting a reassuring nod from JC, she began to speak.

"I know Joey is supposed to be the singer in this marriage, but I've been writing a song ever since we started dating. I finished it just this week and JC helped me out with the music. I'm sorry if I start to cry and end up murdering the song. It's called, If I Didn't Have You." JC began playing the piano and seconds later, Holly began to sing.


I don't know what I was thinking
'Til I was thinking of you
I don't remember a thing before I opened my eyes
And you came into view
I don't know what I was doing
When there was nothing to do
Must've been waiting for someone, baby
Now I can see - I was waiting for you

I'd give up my sight just to see you
I'd beg, I would borrow and steal
I'd cut off my hands just to touch you
And tear out my heart so you'd know how I feel
There's nowhere that I wouldn't follow
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
'Cause I wouldn't wanna be me
If I didn't have you

Driving myself to distraction
Until you got in my way
I was just whistling Dixie 'til you struck up the band
And they started to play
I don't know how I was living
Until you came in my life
I always knew there was something wrong
Then you came along
Baby, you made it right

I'd give up my sight just to see you
I'd beg, I would borrow and steal
I'd cut off my hands just to touch you
And tear out my heart so you'd know how I feel
There's nowhere that I wouldn't follow
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
'Cause I wouldn't wanna be me
If I didn't have you

I was alone in the silence
'Til I was hearing your voice
I couldn't see my way clear until you parted the clouds
And you gave me a choice
I couldn't pick up the pieces
'Til I was falling apart
I didn't know I was bleeding
'Til your love fixed this hole, baby, here in my heart

I'd give up my sight just to see you
I'd beg, I would borrow and steal
I'd cut off my hands just to touch you
And tear out my heart so you'd know how I feel
There's nowhere that I wouldn't follow
There's no place that I'd rather be
This life without you would be hollow
This love is a gift, and you gave it to me
All that I am, you have made me
And baby, I know that's it's true
I'd give it all up in a heartbeat
Just to spend every moment with you
There's no place that I wouldn't follow
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
'Cause I wouldn't wanna be me
If I didn't have you


Holly was in tears by the time she was done as was mostly everyone else in the reception hall. Joey was so moved that he couldn't even speak, he just walked over to her and kissed her.

"You don't need to worry about her anymore, baby, she found a good man," her father thought looking towards the ceiling and "talking" to Holly's mother.

"She found her one great love."


Lyrics by Marshall/Bazailian, performed by Amanda Marshall

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