Rest Of My Life

"Shit! I'm late! She's going to be pissed," Chris said running out to his car. He was supposed to pick up Jessica Ann and be at Amber's house ten minutes ago. They were having a party, celebrating that they were finally done recording the album. He pulled up outside her apartment building and was about to get out of the car when Jessica Ann got in.

"You're late. No need to apologize, let's just go before Amber gets really upset."

"You're right, she is mean as hell when she's pissed. That's why I don't play practical jokes on the girl anymore. I've learned." Twenty minutes later they arrived at Amber's place. There was a crowd on the front lawn that seemed to be playing full contact frisbee. Jen and Holly were sitting on the steps, watching Amber and Jessie try to keep from breaking any bones. JC, Justin and Lance were missing their shirts.

"Just grab J's shorts and pull them down, Jessie," Jen yelled, knowing it would distract her boyfriend. Justin's head popped up and Amber stole the frisbee, throwing it to JC.


"No fair, she cheated for y'all!"

"They are such morons," Jessica Ann said laughing. Joey tackled Lance and the frisbee went flying out of his hands, right towards Chris. He was lucky that he put his hands up before it hit his face.

"Looks like you're playing now, Chris." He smiled and took JC's spot in the game.

"Hey there, Jess. Need some help with your stuff?"

"Thanks, JC. Ya know, you're the only one who calls me Jess around here." JC took her overnight bag as well as Chris'. She took the bags of groceries Chris had picked up before racing to her apartment from the backseat of the car.

"How are you doing, JC? Chris tells me that your attitude at the studio has changed."

"According to the guys, Amber has pulled the stick out of my ass," he said smiling.

"So that's what happened while I was gone? You guys finally figured out what we all knew?"

"Okay, so it took us a little while. I wouldn't trade any of the moments leading up to this point though. But what about you and the elder over there?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends. Jeesh, I spend some time away from y'all and rumors just pop up everywhere. Why do you guys keep making a big thing out of it? Not all friendships end up like the one you have with Amber."

"I guess you have a point."

"Aight guys," Amber said a little while later once everyone was settled in the house.

"Now that we're all here, it's time for the ground rules. Everyone brought a bag of stuff to sleep in, which means that I want your keys in this jug of water," she said pointing to a large plastic jug. They each took the key to their cars off their key chains and put them in the jug.

"Okay, now y'all can feel free to grab any alcoholic beverage you want." Amber took the jug down to the basement and put it in the freezer. Chris took over the job of dj, and the rest of the group got the food ready.

"Ber, where do you want this taco salad, out on the deck," Jessica Ann asked.

"Um...yeah, on the deck please. JC, Lance, could you guys take over the grill? Jessie, you and Holly have the drinks on ice, right? Where the hell did Jen go?" Jessica Ann had to laugh. Amber was constantly playing "mother" to everyone. She had missed an important test a while back just to talk Jessica Ann through a rough break up. Several months before the camping trip, Jessica Ann had caught her boyfriend, Adam, with one of her co-workers. She set the taco salad down on the table and had a slight frown on her face because of the memory.

"Smile, Ann, it's a party. Is everything okay," Chris asked, pulling her into a hug. It felt so good to be held by him, so right.

"Get that idea out of your mind, Jess," she thought. Chris squeezed her tighter and she stiffened.

"I'm fine, Chris. I just need to get something to drink." She walked off and Chris was confused.

"Just give her some time, Chris. I'm sure she'll figure it out and when she does, you can tell her how you feel as well," Justin said before turning back to the grill.

"How did you know? Am I that obvious?"

"No, man, but I know you well. I can recognize the signs in Jessica Ann too. She's been hurt in the past and she's afraid to let it happen again. That's how I felt right before I asked Jen to dinner. It takes a while."

"Well, thank you for the insight, Dali Timberlake, but while you were analyzing, the burgers died a horrible death in the flames."

"Damn it!"

"Man, how did you manage to get JC to let you watch the food?"

Jessica Ann watched as Chris interacted with his friends. He could be a total riot at times, but she also knew that he could be incredibly sweet. Since she'd first met him, he'd done all kinds of sweet things for her. The dinners he would make when he knew that she'd had a rough day at work. The random pieces of paper with lines from various Shakespeare sonnets that he would leave around her apartment for her to find at a later date. The daisies he'd given her on her birthday and the tulips for Valentine's Day made her smile. She was lost in thought and unaware that anyone as trying to get her attention. She felt someone touch her arm and looked up to see Joey.

"I was wondering if you were in there," he laughed.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a couple minutes now." Jessica Ann blushed.

"I'm sorry, I was lost in thought I guess." Joey smiled a knowing smile. He used to get that look on his face when he'd been thinking about Holly.

"Dinner is somewhat ready if you're hungry. JC is just grilling some more burgers since J decided to sacrifice the others to the Almighty Coleman Grill God." Jessica Ann couldn't have kept from giggling at that comment if her life depended on it.

"You make life interesting to say the least, Joey." He held his arm out and escorted her to the table on the deck.

"Don't worry about it, Justin. Jen can't make spaghetti without starting a grease fire."

"Holly! He didn't need to know that," Jen said throwing a Tostito at Holly's head.

"Can we ever eat a meal together without a food fight," Jessica Ann asked sitting down between Amber and Chris.

"She started it," they both yelled, making everyone laugh.

"Look, Bitch, Bad Ass, if you don't behave, I won't let either of you drink in my house."

"Why does Holly get to be your Bitch," Jen asked pretending to pout.

"Beacause she didn't know JC at the time that she gave Holly that nickname," Lance said. JC smacked him upside the head as he set the plate of burgers on the table.

"I'm no one's bitch." Jessica Ann reached for a hamburger bun at the same time that Chris did and their hands brushed. Both felt as if they had been shocked with electric current. She looked up at Chris quickly and saw a new emotion in his dark eyes, but couldn't tell what it was.


Later That Night

Holly had gotten her hands on the stereo and 80s music filled the house. "Faithfully," came on and Chris stood up, placing his drink on the coffee table.

"Dance with me, Ann."


"Just one dance. It won't hurt you. Look, Amber and C are dancing."

"They're in love,"she thought while taking his hand.

"Why can't Chris and I be more than friends? Wait a minute, when did I start thinking like that? Hell, why am I kidding myself? I've thought about that ever since I kicked Adam's sorry ass to the curb."

"Penny for your thoughts, Ann?"

"I don't want to bore you. Let's just dance." Once again, she was assailed by many different feelings. They were dancing very close, his hands locked at the small of her back, her fingers running lightly through his hair. She didn't know if it was the alcohol still in her system, or the perfect nature of the moment, but she felt no inhibitions. Jessica Ann tilted her head up and kissed the hollow at the base of Chris' throat.

"Ann, that feels great. But I'd rather have you kiss me somewhere else." Jessica Ann quickly pulled back, avoiding his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. That never should have happened."

"Ann, don't run from me now," Chris whispered, tightening his embrace to keep her from running away.

"I think it's time we talk."

"C, where'd you put our stuff?"

"It's in Amber's old room. Leaving the party already?"

"I need to ask Ann about something and it's a little hard to think down here with the noise."

"Okay, goodnight, Chris, goodnight Dear," Amber said waving over JC's shoulder.

"Night, Amber. Don't keep JC up too long. We need him tomorrow for a meeting."

"I won't." Amber and JC watched as the two walked up the stairs.

"I think it's going to be a special night for them. I can feel it," Amber said smiling.

"I know it was a special night when I stopped you from getting on that plane."

"I felt something that night too, I just wasn't sure if it was good or bad. But I knew something big was going to happen."

"It seems like it's been longer than three months."

"It'll never be long enough for me. I hope they find that with each other." Justin got control of the stereo then and everyone changed their dancing style as "You Can Do It," began to play. Upstairs, Chris was trying to tell Jessica Ann how he felt about her.

"Ann, I need to tell you this. It's been on my mind since we came off the tour."

"Look, Chris, I'm sorry I kissed you..."

"I'm not though, that's the thing." She looked shocked.

"What," she whispered.

"Jess...Ann, you're my best friend. I need to tell you something. I'm pretty damn sure that I'm in love with you."


I know you've heard the excuses before
So I won't waste your time and I'll keep this short
About my emotions cause I can't afford to be wrong
I know we've talked about being good friends
So we've been real careful of the signals we've sent
But all of your glances they came and they went to my head And I'm not a man to throw words to the wind
When I said I loved you, that's what I meant
And I plan to show you if it takes me the rest of my life
Rest of my life


"I don't want to scare you, but that's how I feel. I can't deny it anymore." He sat down on the bed next to her and cupped her cheek.

"Talk to me, Ann."

"You're one of my best friends, Chris..."

"But you don't feel the same. I can understand that." He moved to stand up and she pulled him back, kissing him. When they finally pulled apart, they were lying on the bed.

"Chris, we should stop."

"I need to know if you feel the same."


I don't want to rush this cause my biggest fear
Is taking for granted what's taken us years
To build from the ground up with all of the tears that we cried
We've taken our time and for this I'm so glad
Now we can be sure that this moment will last
We've travelled a road of mistakes in our past to get here

So I'm not about to throw words to the wind
When I said I loved you, that's what I meant
And I plan to show you if it takes me the rest of my life
Rest of my life, rest of my life


"We need to take this slow, Chris. I don't want to mess this our our friendship up cause I don't want to lose either," she said barely above a whisper.

"We won't mess it up. We have love on our side now and we've always been strong together." They fell asleep holding each other.



**Performed by Blessid Union of Souls, Lyrics by Blessid Union of Souls**

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