Rope Burn

Tie me up tie me down
Make me moan real loud
Take off my clothes
No one has to know
I wanna feel a soft rope burn
Wanna feel a soft
Rope Burn

Lyrics from ROPE BURN by Janet Jackson

Never had Gracie thought she'd be in such a position. She was face down on Lance's bed, the black satin sheets offering cool comfort to her overheated body. Her wrists secured in black velvet cuffs above her head. She was completely vulnerable to whatever Lance wanted to do.

"Is this what you had in mind when you asked me to take you home," Lance asked with a throaty whisper, trailing the tip of his tongue along the shell of her ear. All she could do was whimper as all coherent thought left her brain. The fingers of his right hand reached up to caress the velvet cuffs that kept her in place while his left moved lightly down her body to squeeze her ass.

"Soft, aren't they? They were a gift from Ms. Janet herself when she was done with the tour. At first, I was shocked, but then I learned to enjoy them. Do you like them, Gracie," he asked, slipping one long digit inside the tight, hot, and incredibly wet core of her body. His thumb flicked over her swollen clit and she squirmed.

"Oh, God...Lance, please..."

"Please what," he asked pulling his hand away from her.

"Please stop teasing you the way you've been teasing me for months? Oh no...I'm going to make you work for this."

"What if I want to touch you?"

"I'll decide when you can do that. Until then, you'll just have to do everything I tell you if you want me to take care of the sweet ache consuming you." Grace heard the distinct sound of Lance taking off his shirt, throwing it onto a nearby chair and unzipping his jeans.


"You don't move and you don't speak unless I say you can. Otherwise you go home a very unsatisfied girl," he whispered sliding his hands under her body and tweaking her nipples. Gracie fought to stay still and quiet. If this was the game Lance wanted to play, she wanted to prove that she could win.

"Do you think of me doing this when you're with Danny? Do you wish it was me rolling your nipples...pinching them just so much before letting them go?" He left a trail of kisses from her right ear to her right breast, latching onto the tender skin on the side of it...sucking and worrying at it with his teeth. His hands and mouth left her breasts and she bit her own shoulder to keep from groaning in frustration. She'd been worked up at the club, but it was nothing like this. His touch was featherlight as he traced the curve of her back. She couldn't help but shudder as he licked and kissed the spot at the nape of her neck where her spine jutted out.

"Now, Gracie, what did I tell you about moving? I'll just have to tease you more to make up for that." Her whole body was taut and Lance smiled, knowing that the power was still his for the moment. He had a feeling though that as soon as he slipped inside her warm and willing body, he'd be lost to whatever animal instinct ruled them. Gracie felt the bed shift and wondered if he had left the room when she felt his warm palms spreading her thighs. She knew she was dripping wet. Who wouldn't be when they had Lance teasing them in such a way?

She nearly died when Lance circled her throbbing clit with his tongue once before moving away. He was testing her...he wanted to see if she would break down and beg. A smirk curved his lips as he heard Gracie panting, trying to recover from the brief contact.

"Do you like that baby? Would you like me to do it again?" Lance didn't even give her the chance to think about it before closing his lips around the pulsing nub of flesh and sucking hard. Once again, she bit her shoulder and Lance had to hold her legs in place to keep her from squirming towards his mouth. Lance could hear her tugging at her bonds, could feel the thin sheen of sweat that covered her body and decided to take mercy on his captive. He pulled his mouth away from her long enough to speak to her.

"If you want to make noise, now would be the time to do it sweetness." The second his tongue swirled inside her, she moaned and tugged again at the cuffs. She didn't care if she left a mark on herself. The only thing she knew at that moment was that Lance was allowing her a bit of freedom while he tortured her. Gracie could only take a few more minutes of insane pleasure before she groaned and came in a rush. The feel of his tongue inside her, his teeth on her sensitive clit was just too much and she came long and hard, just as Lance had promised.

"Oh...oh, God...oh shit...Lance..." And then suddenly he was inside her...moaning about how good it felt to be there...throroughly enjoying the feeling of her muscles contracting around him. He set a pace that created a slick, hot friction and had them both panting for release minutes later. One hand gripped her hip as the other moved up to caress her breast while he whispered in her ear.

"Fuck...tell me you want this, Gracie. Tell me you're feeling it the way I am."

"Yes...God yes, Lance. Oh please...I'm so close."

"I am too, sweetness." The hand on her hip moved under her body and as soon as he touched her clit, stars exploded before Gracie's eyes. She was barely aware of Lance groaning out his release, evidence of his powerful orgasm surging inside her body. They lay still for long minutes, until they could both breathe normally. Lance reached up to release her wrists from the cuffs as Gracie let out a satisfied sigh. He rolled her over and for the first time that night, he kissed her.

"I told you I'd get what I wanted."

"You're right, but did I mention that I wanted it too," she said with a smirk. They fell asleep, limbs tangled togehter.

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