Save Me

It had been two months since the end of the tour and Jen and Justin were now seriously dating. She was helping Justin deal with all the pain Lena had caused him. Holly and Joey were running around like mad trying to plan their wedding when the guys weren't in the studio recording. Chris and Jessica Ann were spending a lot of time together, though they denied being a couple. Jessie had finally agreed to move in with Lance, which left JC as the only really single man in the group.

"At least I don't have to worry about making it home on time for a date," he said to himself. JC's stomach growled, but he still wasn't satisfied with the way the track he'd been working on most of the night sounded. He had planned to just skip dinner when he heard a tap on the window of the recording booth. He looked up to see Amber standing there, holding a note up to the glass.

"Superstar, get your ass out of the booth so you can eat something," he read aloud. JC couldn't help but smile.

"How do you always know," he asked joining her.

"Call it woman's intuition. Now let's try to get some food into that tiny body of yours." She walked out into the hallway in front of him.

"Chasez, stop looking at my ass. I'm self conscious enough about it." JC had the grace to blush. They walked to the deli down the road where she bought him dinner.

"How are the songs coming along? I haven't seen you in the house in the longest time. Are you sleeping in the studio as well?"

"Are you kidding me? You know I love my bed. Recording has been going fairly well actually, but I'm a perfectionist."

"Don't I know how that feels. I'm starting to think that I should just drop out of grad school. I have so much other crap going on. Your mother called today."

"She's always checking up on me."

"You say that like it's a hassle, C. I wish I had someone who cared enough to check up on me. My parents are too busy seeing the world to realize that they still have a daughter who needs a little encouragement and support every so often. I guess I shouldn't have gotten disowned from the family. But enough about me, tell me about the tour. You haven't told me much since you got back. Did you meet anyone?"

JC let her get away with changing the subject since they were in a public place. He made her laugh every chance he got by telling her about all of Justin and Chris' antics on the road. As they walked back to the studio, JC began to realize his feelings for Amber were changing. True, it first started over the camping trip, but being with her now, JC found that his feelings weren't just passing fancy. He truly did enjoy spending time with her and being around her. But Amber was still dating Liam, though JC never understood why.

"Well now that I've made sure my "kids" have eaten, I need to go see Liam. I'm running late as it is and I promised I'd be at his place on time. I'll catch you later, C. Remember to call your mother!" She got into her 4Runner and waved as JC walked back into the studio to work. Amber was in for a rude awakening when she arrived at Liam's apartment.

"Where the hell were you?? You were supposed to be here two hours ago!"

"Liam, calm down. I was just getting dinner with JC. He..."

"You were with him again?? How many times have I told you to stay away from him?"

"Liam, he's one of my best friends! He lives in my house for Christ's sake!" Liam grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him and slapped her across the face.

"Don't you ever raise your voice to me again!" She hit him as hard as she could in the solar plexus and ran like hell out of the apartment. Liam was standing on the steps of the building asking Amber to come back, but she just tore away in her 4Runner. She was glad to see that she was the only one at the house when she pulled into the drive. Amber was completely humiliated. She had thought that she was a good enough judge of character that she'd never have ended up with that type of guy.

She felt dirty and used, but mostly hurt. She decided to take a shower, hoping that it would calm her. The area around her cheekbone was starting to swell and once she took off her shirt, she noticed that each one of Liam's fingers had left a bruise on her arm. Amber hadn't even realized she was crying until after she got out of the shower and saw that her eyes were puffy and red. She grabbed clothes from the dryer to put on, laughing at the fact that she was wearing one of Justin's shirts and a pair of JC's boxers. Both guys were home by now. She could hear them milling about, but she didn't want to see either of them and have to admit to what happened. Amber snuck out of the bathroom as quietly as possible and was almost to her room when JC's voice stopped her.

"Liam has called three times looking for you. He said that he really needs to explain himself."

"If he calls back, tell him that I don't want to hear from him ever again. No explanation will make what he did right."

"Do you want to talk about it?" She choked back a sob and JC saw her shoulders shake before she answered.

"I need to get some sleep, JC. Goodnight."

JC grew even more worried the next morning when Amber didn't get up for her internship job. He called in sick for her, even though he knew she'd be absolutely livid with him. He walked into her room after Liam had called for the second time.

"Amber, it's ten-thirty. I called your boss and told him that you were horribly ill. Liam has already called twice this morning." He knew she was awake because she stiffened, but she didn't turn over to look at him.

"Amber, please, look at me." She rolled over in her bed and watched as shock and anger washed over JC's features.

"He hit you! That bastard hit you!"

"It was my fault, JC. I was late and I made him even more angry when I raised my voice," she said rationalizing, even though she knew he wouldn't believe her. She was biting her bottom lip and trying not to cry. JC's features softened when he saw how scared she was. Amber never let anyone know she was frightened. He quickly walked over to the bed and pulled her into his arms.

"It's not your fault, Amber. A man doesn't need to hit someone to show that he is angry. He had no right to hurt you that way." That was all it took to break down the wall Amber had erected around her emotions so long ago and she cried into his shoulder.

"I was just wanting someone to love me, C. I wanted someone to care and he let me down. All I have to show are bruises and embarrassment."

"Why are you embarrassed? I'm sure a little makeup will cover that bruise. It worked for me when Justin and I got into a fist fight once. No one knew he'd dented my face," JC said trying to make her laugh.

"I'm embarrassed I ever let myself get involved with Liam. I should have broken it off after you and I had our one-night-stand. It would have been the perfect reason, but no, I stayed because I thought he loved me. I'm a fucking idiot, C."

"Okay, I want you to stop putting yourself down right now. Why don't you go get showered and dressed? I'll make breakfast and then we're spending the day together."

"JC, you can't be seen with me like this," she said wiping away her tears.

"I don't care what other people say. You are my friend and you need some cheering up. Now get in the shower or I'll throw you in there." He was still sitting on her bed after she left the room.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again, Amber. This time I'm the man who loves you."


"JC, where are we going? Shouldn't you have a bodyguard?"

"You ask far too many questions. Where we're going is a surprise and don't worry about a bodyguard, I won't need one. I do have to stop by the studio though and tell them that I'm going to be busy for the day."

"You're missing recording for this??"

"They won't miss me and nothing is going to make me change my mind, so don't even think about lecturing me. I hope you don't have dinner plans already, 'cause you are mine for the evening as well." After they went to the studio, JC drove out to the coast and they went out on the water.

"JC, you didn't have to do this," Amber said looking out across the water. JC had asked Jessie if they could hang out on her boat and they had thrown the anchor over when they came upon a secluded inlet.

"Amber, come here." She walked up to the bow of the boat and and sat down next to JC.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you that I wanted to do this? You're one of my best friends and I would do anything for you."

"I'm sorry I dumped all that crap on you this morning, JC. I don't usually do that and I don't know what was wrong with me."

"You were in a stressful relationship and whether or not you want to believe it, you went through something pretty traumatic last night. You just needed to get some stuff out and I understood that." He lightly ran a finger over the bruises on her arm.

"Do they hurt?"

"No, but my cheek feels like it's on fire." JC hugged her close to him and kissed her temple.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again, Amber."


A Few Hours Later

"JC, why do I have to wear a dress to dinner? I have a lot of other outfits that I'd be more comfortable in."

"Tough," JC yelled from his room.

"I'm the only one who will be wearing pants on this date, got it?" Amber felt her heart skip a beat when he called their dinner a date and almost poked herself in the eye with her eyeliner pencil.

"Stop being stupid, Amber. JC is just being nice. It's only a pity dinner. He'd never be interested in someone like you," she told herself. She decided to wear a simple royal blue slip dress with a shawl to cover the bruises on her arm, but she felt like she was dressed for a huge gala.

"Amber, are you ready? look...amazing."

"Don't lie, JC. I feel awkward. I was never good at doing the girlie-girl thing. You look nice as usual though." He had just picked out a pair of khakis, a black undershirt and a hunter green button down shirt.

"I'm serious, Amber. You are absolutely stunning. Come on, let's go to dinner." They went to a posh restaurant and this time JC's bodyguard wasn't too far away.

"So is this where you bring all your women," Amber asked as they were finishing their meal.

"I've never brought a girlfriend here. Only my family when they are in town."

"Why did you bring me here then?"

"Because I care about you. Amber, I..."

"Excuse me, Miss," the waiter said ruining the moment.

"There is a Liam O' Neill up front causing a scene and wanting to speak to you."

"Thank you, could you put this on my tab, please," JC asked standing up and taking Amber's hand, helping her out of the chair.

"Thank you for dinner and a lovely evening, JC. I'm sorry Liam ruined it. I have no idea how he knew we would be here."

"I'm not done with you just yet. Tiny, we're ready to go."

"Where else could you possibly be taking me?"

"Trust me, you're going to love it." Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of a small bar.

"You plan on getting me drunk now? JC, we don't have the best track record when that happens."

"I have a huge surprise for you here."


As they walked through the door, Amber noticed a guy setting up his guitar on the small stage. JC ushered her to a spot up front and helped her sit down.

"C, shouldn't you be sitting towards the back? You'll be noticed for sure up here."

"This is something I want you to experience up close and remember every moment of," he said as he sat down at the small table. The look on Amber's face when the guitar player turned around made everything worthwhile for JC. He enjoyed being able to use his connections for moments exactly like this.

"Evening all, I'm Jonny Lang and I'm playing here tonight for a good friend of mine. I hear he's brought my biggest fan." The remaining member's of his band walked onto the stage as Jonny picked up his guitar and began to play.

"Josh, set all of this up for me? Thank you!" She hugged him tightly. Once Jonny had finished his set, he went to say hello and meet Amber. JC watched Amber talking to him, knowing she loved every minute of it. She was on a natural high when they got back to the house.

"JC, I want to thank you again for everything tonight. It was absolutely wonderful and it meant a lot to me." They were standing in the hallway in front of Amber's bedroom door.

"You're welcome," JC said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. She smiled up at him and he locked eyes with her, slowly lowering his head to kiss her. He'd wanted to do it for a while and in the beginning, Amber had as well. He stepped closer to her and she found herself pressed up against the door to her room. One of his hands gripped her waist and the other was tangled in her hair, cupping the back of her head. That innocent moment became more heated and soon Amber realized what was happening. Her hands, which had been resting on his abdomen, moved up over his chest to his shoulders and she pushed him away.

"Josh, this is wrong."

"Why? Why is it wrong?"

"I just got out of a relationship. I won't let you be my rebound and I don't want you kissing me out of pity."

"Pity is not why I kissed you. It isn't why I'm feeling this way. I..." Justin's door opened then and Jen walked out into the hall. JC quickly pushed away from Amber as if he were ashamed to be seen with her. Jen was too tired to realize what was going on. She walked into the bathroom before either dared to move.

JC tried to speak, but Amber shook her head and fought back tears. She went into her room, closing the door and sliding down it to the carpet. JC could hear her quietly sobbing as he leaned his forehead against the doorframe. The next few days were very strained between JC and Amber. She spent as much time as she could at her internship or in the lab researching and JC just threw himself into his music.

"Hey, C, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, Jen, what about?"

"Are you feeling okay? You've been really quiet this past week. Usually we can't shut you up in the studio."

"I've just had a lot on my mind."

"It's about Amber, isn't it?"

"No, Jen, it...actualy, yeah, it is."

"Do you want to tell me the story?"

"I kissed her the other night and now we aren't talking."

"Okay, now tell me the whole story," Jen said, knowing full well what the whole story would be.

"About seven months ago, Amber and I were drinking and things got a little out of hand. We slept together, but it wasn't just mindless sex for me. I know it wasn't for her either. She told me she loved me, thinking I'd forget and I'm pretty sure I loved her then the way I do now. I took her out the day after Liam hit her and kissed her that night when we got back. I think I freaked her out. She doesn't know that I remember everything about that night, even her telling me that she loved me. I want to tell her, but she has it in her head that everything I did for her that day was out of pity."

"She went to see Liam today. She said that she told him about the two of you. They had a screaming match and she gave him his stuff back, even the promise ring he'd given her."

"Did he touch her again?"

"No, I don't think he did. You need to tell her what you just told me, JC. I believe she is at the house now."


Loving you
Like I never have before
I'm needing you
Just to open up that door
If begging you
Might somehow turn the tides
Then tell me to,
I gotta get this off my mind
I never thought I'd be speaking these words
I never thought I'd need to say
Another day alone is more than I can take

Won't you save me?
'Cause saving is what I need
I just want to be
By your side
Won't you save me?
I don't wanna be
Just drifting through the sea
Of life


"Of course it would be raining," JC said getting into his Jeep. In the twenty minutes it took him to drive to the house, Amber had packed up and left for the airport. She left a note for Justin and JC, telling them that she'd be back in a few months once she'd figured everything out.

"Amber? Amber! Are you here?" His only response was the silence of the house. He walked into the kitchen and saw the note taped to the phone.

"Damn it!" He ran back out of the house and jumped into the Jeep.


Want to
Listen please
Baby don't walk out that door
I'm on my knees
You're all I'm living for
I never thought I'd be speaking these words
Heaven thought I'd find a way
Another day alone is more than I can take

Won't you save me?
'Cause saving is what I need
I just want to be
By your side
Won't you save me?
I don't wanna be
Just drifting through the sea
Of life


JC headed for the airport and a conversation popped into his head.

"C, I swear if you don't drive faster, I'm going to beat you. Drive, driving bitch, or pull over so I can!" He gunned it, hoping he wouldn't be stopped. When he got to the airport, he realized that he had no clue where Amber was headed. He had her name traced and found that she was on a flight to New Orleans. JC had five minutes to get to the gate before her plane took off and she was out of his life.

"This is the final boarding call for U.S. Air Flight 129 to New call." Amber wiped her eyes and grabbed her messenger bag. She was standing up when JC spotted her.



Suddenly the sky is falling
Could it be it's too late for me?
If I never said I'm sorry
Well I'm wrong, yes I'm wrong
Then I hear my spirit calling
Wondering if she's longing for me
And then I know
That I can't live without her

Won't you save me?
'Cause saving is what I need
I just want to be
By your side
Won't you save me?
I don't wanna be
Just drifting through the sea
Of life


"Amber, wait! Don't leave!"

"JC? What are you doing here?" He was out of breath as he ran up to her.

"How did you..."

"You can't leave because I love you. I have since that night I made love to you in my bed. Please, don't leave me. I know you love me. I remember that night perfectly. You can't leave...I won't let you." There was a small crowd gathered around them and he knew he sould be embarrassed, but he didn't care. All he could see in front of him was Amber, with tears in her eyes...falling down her cheeks.

"I love you too, JC," she whispered. He picked her up, hugging her tight as the crowd around them cheered and clapped.

"I love you," he said kissing her.

"You're going to be hearing that a lot."

"I don't mind at all. I do have a question though. Which room are we going to stay in," Amber asked laughing.

"I don't care if I'm with you."



**Save Me - performed by Hanson, lyrics by Hanson

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