If I Want To

"Woman, are you ready to go yet? I told J we'd meet them there at ten."

"If you could just tie this for me, we could leave in like two minutes."

"Why couldn't you wear something simple, Gracie? Are you trying to look good for a certain someone?"

"What are you talking about? Danny isn't going to be there."

"You know I'm talking about Lance."

"I don't want him! How many times do I have to tell you guys that? Justin won't stop asking me about it. I'll threaten to keep you away from him if he doesn't stop it."

"Maybe we keep asking about it because we notice the signals you two send each other...especially at Cammie's birthday party in May."

"Look, we were both dateless and slightly trashed at her party. We got a little fresh while we were dancing, that's it. I'm with Danny now and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Sure you are," Stella thought tying Gracie's halter top into place.

"There, you're all done...now let's go! I'd like to see my boyfriend tonight."

"Have you always been a heinous bitch and I just didn't notice it?"

"Will you hurry up and get your coat? I'm driving...I don't want to have to leave you here." Stella and Gracie had been friends since sitting next to each other in an education class their sophomore year at Vanderbilt. They'd been through a lot together: Gracie's dead beat boyfriend, Stella's bout with mono, bad grades and breakups, frat parties and graduation.

"Do you remember Mark Madison, Stell?"

"The jerk who started a fight because his best friend called me sweet when we were dancing at the Harvest Ball? Yeah...why?"

"I ran into him the other day. He asked about you."

"How strange...I haven't thought of him in years."

"Maybe he wants you back. I should tell him next time I see him that you're with Justin. Wouldn't that just piss him off?"

"Don't, Gracie, please." They got into Stella's car and were on the road before either spoke again.

"That's another reason I wouldn't date Lance. I could never keep my relationship a secret. How long have you been with Justin now...about six, seven months? You haven't even told your own mother, Stella!"

"I've explained this before. I asked that we keep this a secret so it wouldn't interfere with my job. The kids would go nuts if they knew I was dating him, not to mention what the press would do when they found out. It's bad enough they kinda know about my relation to Joey."

"I still wouldn't be able to do it, Stella."

"The little shit is late," Stella said pulling into the parking lot.

"He's gonna get an earful over this one. Come on, let's go get our groove on by ourselves."

They strolled into the club without being noticed and surveyed the throng of people on the dance floor.

"Do you see anyone who interests you, J-dawg?"

"Most definitely, man. You see the red-head with the jade halter top and the leather pants that should be illegal in at least fourteen states?"

"Damn, she's looking fine tonight."

"Oh she's hot as shit, but I want her friend. There's something sexy and mysterious about all that long black hair. I'm heading to the bar before I get my groove on, Lance. What do you want?"

"Straight up Jack and a shot of So Co," he said still watching "Leather Pants." The dance floor was actually on the lower level of the club. The second floor served as the main entrance/coat check as well as the game room. As usual, all the pool tables were in use with people setting down their quarters for the next game. Lance walked to the banister and resting his elbows on it, studied the girl wearing the leather pants.

"Gracie McKenna..."

"Hey man, here's you're drink. Shannon said you had to have this shot instead though. Her exact words were, 'Even if he doesn't hook it up with Gracie tonight, he can at least tell everyone that I gave him a blowjob.' She's so nice, isn't she?" Lance took the green colored shot and threw it back, being careful not to let any of the whipped cream get on his clothes.

"Well, now that I've done my duty, I'm going to go suck up to Stell since we were late."

"Why the hell not," Lance thought to himself, "I doubt she'll say no to a dance."

"Dude, I'ma head to the bar. This round's on me, okay?"

"Yeah, just hurry back...I hate dancing by myself," Gracie yelled as Stella walked to the bar. The dj switched from the trance shit, as Stella called it, back to hip-hop and It's Over Now by 112 filtered over the crowd.

"How fitting," Gracie thought, "Stella leaves and they play one of her favorites."

"Stella!" The young woman looked around to see who was calling her and found Justin was making her way through the crowd.

"You know, I should just ignore your ass and keep walking to the bar," she said putting her hands on her hips.

"But you said you liked my ass last night."

"You're too cute for my own good."

"Come here, sweetness...I wanna dance with you."

"You owe Gracie and me a drink then"

"Anything for you, Stell, you know that." Lance had finally made it through the crowd to Gracie when the song ended and the dj was trying to rile up the dancers.

"This one is a favorite of mine, so dance your ases off people!!" That's when Gracie felt the hands slide around her slim waist and latch onto her hips, pulling her back against a very hard, very hot, very male frame. Gracie absolutely hated being manhandled in a club, but something felt different this time. The touch on her hips was familiar. She turned around and came face to face with Lance.

"What the hell do you think you're doing touching me like that, loser," she spat knocking his arms from around her.

"Oh quit the act, Gracie, we both know you want me. If you're lucky, I'll let you have a little taste of what it's like to be with me." Gracie couldn't say anything else as Lance pulled her body against his and kissed her. If I Want To started to play and the seduction began.


Every time I look up
I see it in your face
You wanna hook up with me
(You know you wanna hook up - stop playing)
Instead of acting like you supposed to
You cop an attitude like you're too good for me
And you know good and damn well that...

If I wanted I could take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I could have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't get with me. I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby


Gracie thought that if she danced with him and walked away that she'd prove her point, but the way his hand moved over her hip and squeezed her ass was making things difficult. It didn't help her cause much either when he started licking and sucking the pulse point on her throat, occasionally singing along with the song.

"Shit, Lance, what the hell are you doing," she gasped as his free hand started moving up under her halter top to latch onto her breast.

"I'm getting what I want, Gracie..."


Ain't nobody tryin' to clown you
But you're too damn old to play high school games with me
(You know that - too damn old)
Yes you do
Cause even when I'm not around you
I be hearin from my friends you be asking 'bout me
(What's up with him - that's what you be saying)

I don't really care
How long you've been together with your man?
It's just a matter of time
Before I make you mine
I wanna make it clear
So there's no misunderstanding
That I get what I want - when I want, yeah

If I wanted I could take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I could have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't get with me I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby


She moaned as he used his teeth and nibbled on that same sweet spot on her neck and she knew that he was going to leave his mark on her. He controlled the movements of the lower half of her body with the hand he'd firmly planted on her ass. They were practically fucking on the dance floor and Gracie knew she lost the battle. She wanted him...badly.


If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't get with me I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby

(Yeah, uh - oh)
That I get what I want - when I want
If I wanted to

(If I wanted to - I'd have you doing whatever I want you to)
(You know - right now I'm just not really doing that)
(But if I wanted to - anything)
(I'm saying - you and your girls, I could have them too)
Listen to me!

If I wanted I could take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I could have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't get with me I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby


Lance pulled away from her when the song was done and watched her try to get control of herself and the situation. He smirked and ran a finger lightly over the new hickey on her throat, pleased at the way her eyes closed and she sucked in her breath, biting her lip at the sensation is caused.

"Well, thanks for the dance, Gracie." he said turning to walk to the bar. She reached out and grabbed his arm. It took everything in him not to smile triumphantly when she opened her eyes. They were hazy with raw desire.

"Take me home, Lance..."

"I hope you're prepared to get drilled long and hard tonight, Gracie...cause I've wanted this for a while."

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