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Mitali's Graduation Pics

    I have included most of the pictures that I took on July 21st, 2001.  Some are just not usable.  Also if a picture looks bad, DON'T blame me.  Most likely it was the subject that was moving or possibly someone else who couldn't use my camera!  :)

Let's begin with some pics of the life of the party:

Isn't she wonderful?  Extremely photogenic!

Mitali appearing with Sejal and Sachin.  Doesn't it look like she's had all she can of pictures?

The family.  (Sonal: "Anooj needs to clean that ear wax out")

Delicious cake.  ("Dear Mitali, Congratulations, From All of Us")

Powerful lungs, she's got.  Watch the collar, Mitali.

Mitali receiving her grammy and giving thanks to all those who made it possible.

Hands like a surgeon.

  •   Mitali getting her cake on
  •   Random group photos
  • More specific group shots


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