know the code* to make a form button into a link that will open in a new browser window and on mouseover give a descriptive message. I also have put three or four of these form buttons right after each other with the no break
<nobr> </nobr>** tags in front of the first form button and behind the last form button. I have also put an opening <P> before the first button and closing </P> after the last one. No matter what I do, the buttons are on top of each other. The problem I am having and want fixed is........
[ <nobr> </nobr> ] **
[ Code For Form Button ] *
<!----- Start Of Frustrating Code ----->
<P> <nobr>
<form method="submit" action="Path To URL To Be Called"target="_blank"title="Descriptive Text Here"><input type="submit" value="Button 1"></form>
<form method="submit" action="Path To URL To Be Called"target="_blank"title="Descriptive Text Here"><input type="submit" value="Button 2"></form>
<form method="submit" action="Path To URL To Be Called"target="_blank"title="Descriptive Text Here"><input type="submit" value="Button 3"></form>
<form method="submit" action="Path To URL To Be Called"target="_blank"title="Descriptive Text Here"><input type="submit" value="Button 4"></form>
</nobr> </P>
<!----- End Of Frustrating Code ----->
ollow the below link and see why I am so frustrated. The above code gives me:
[ See Why I Am Frustrated ]
I know it is possible because I have seen it done on other web sites. I have even gone so far as to view the source code of several pages that have the desired effect. I can't seem to make heads or tails out of it. I just can't seem to get it the way I want. I know when I figure it out, it will be really simple and will laugh about it later.
I f you want to view our source code and get an insite on howto, go right ahead. It is clearly marked within the <BODY> section of this document. After you see the source code, grab the link below that button and it will be fully explained.
<!----- Start Table Group For Button Alignment -----> Code will be between these two designations <!----- End Table Group For Button Alignment -----> |
f this question sounds familiar to you, don't feel bad or get frustrated. You are not alone in this question. There is a very easy and simple solution to this frustrating little problem. This problem is rectified with the use of tables set side by side. Each form button will be set within one table. Just grab the below link and you will see how simple it really is.
[ Side By Side Form Buttons ]
For your Information: The use of this type of table is not limited to just putting form buttons in a row. This type of table configuration can be used for anything that you need to be set side by side.
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