Today is . Page created 11/25/03, updated 02/03/07
Alpha Crypt Text Message Encryptor |
A lpha Crypt uses MD5 cryptographic signatures on top of an XOR text encryption algorithm to form a practically unbreakable hybrid.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6.0, Netscape4.08, Opera7.23 and Netscape7.02. This script worked well in all platforms tested with one variation observed in Netscape4.08 and Opera7.23.
- 1) Netscape4.08 ~ Once you paste the text inside the form box, it does not wrap to inside of the form. This does not effect the operation in any way.
- 1a) This is a normal variation when it comes to Netscape 4.08
- 2) Opera7.23 ~ It will not encrypt the text. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages. In other words, it does not work.
A lpha Crypt uses MD5 cryptographic signatures on top of an XOR text encryption algorithm. It is designed for sending messages from anywhere on the Internet, without access to other encryption software. AC will not become confused by text wrapping, missing text, or other mistakes that occur during transmission. By running along a 64-character set, it will not garble binary values, or cause a browser to crash. For this reason, it is especially suited for public free email providers.
A lpha Crypt defeats word-based or probability-based attacks, as well as overcoming methods which measure statistics based on consistent input-output.
A lpha Crypt is faster than other programs, by reducing cryptology running time primarily to internal bit operations, compatible with JavaScript browsers, instead of auxiliary functions.
A lpha Crypt is offered as-is, without warranty. Although I would feel safe in saying that no one can read a message I send with Alpha Crypt, I do not wish to make any legally binding guarantees, express or implied. You have the freedom to be secure, but freedom is also your own responsibility. I take no liability from any use of this software.
A f you plan on emailing the contents of an encrypted message, you may wish to include the following note with the encrypted text:
Note: This message was encrypted with Alpha Crypt for safe transmission. Select and copy the message text, and visit
to decrypt the message (a password key is required).
I n order to distribute the load from many people using Alpha Crypt, this message is dynamically updated to show the current URL. This way, many websites may post these files and share Alpha Crypt. However, if you wish, you may also use the master url:
[ Alpha Crypt by Joseph Myers ]F
or distribution, a zip file is available,
[ ]
(5,517 bytes: contains alphac.html, timer.js, md5.js, and alphac.js).
Originally from
[ Alpha
Crypt by Joseph Myers ]
MD5 code (md5.js) by Joseph Myers ]
is based on md5.js by Paul Johnston and Greg Holt.
Modified copies of programs in this list are used:
Joseph K. Myers ]
2002/10/10, v.2 2003/11/13,
[ ]
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