W e have tested the code in IE 7.0, IE 6.0, IE 5.5, Firefox, Opera 7.23, Opera 9.20, Netscape 4.08 and Netscape 7.02 and Netscape 8.1.3. This script worked well in all platforms tested with one (1) variation observed in Netscape 4.08 and 7.02.
This effect is best viewed if it is encased in a defined <table>. Reason being is that you have more control over the travel distance from side to side. See the below example of howto set this in a table.
<!---------- Start Table Code ---------->
<p><table bgcolor="#000000"
border="0" width="100%" height="30"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="#000000"
align="center" colspan="0">
<font face="arial,georgia,helvetica"size="2"color="#fff0f5">
<!---------- Start <Marquee> Code ---------->
<marquee border="0" behavior="alternate" scrollamount="12"> Your Message Here! </marquee>
<!---------- End </Marquee> Code ---------->
</td></tr></font><!---------- End Table Code ---------->
L ets define all the parts of the above <table> and <marquee> code.
- <p><table bgcolor="#000000" This is the color of the border around the table if the border has been defined with the number more than 0.
- border="0" This defines in pixels the width of the border around the table. "0" means no border while a "1" or higher will make a border visible.
- width="100%" This defines the width of the table in a percentage as opposed to being defined in pixels. For this effect we suggest the percentage for one simple reason.
- Reason: The percentage will make it the percentage in the screen (monitor) that is viewing it as opposed to a different width in different monitors.
~ In other words, it will appear the same in both a 14 inch and 21 inch monitors.
NOTE: If you select to use pixels instead of a percentage, be sure to remove the % character!
- height="30" This denotes how high in pixels the table will be surrounding the marquess effect.
- <td bgcolor="#000000" This denotes the color of the inside of the table itself. Not the border.
- align="center" This denotes the positioning of what you place inside the table. Not the position of the table itself. This you must use either a <div align="?"> tag or a
<p align="?"> tag before the table and be sure to close the </p> at the end of the table.
- Notice we placed a complete font tag inside the defined table.
<font face="arial, georgia,helvetica" size="2"color="# fff0f5">
- Reason: This will define the font style, color, size etc. inside the table only. Notice we also closed the </font> tag at the end of the table.
- scrollamount="12" This defines how fast or slow the marquee will alternate from side to side. The lower the number, the slower the movement.
f you need any more assistance with a <table>, grab the below link and it will be further explained.
More About Tables ]
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