From The Desk Of The Consigliere™

  • The below is a copy of one of our news letters that we send out weekly.
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From The Desk Of<br>The Consigliere™
From The Desk Of
The Consigliere™

August 5, 2001   Keeping you up-to-date every single week!
Message From The Consigliere™

Well, another week has gone by and as usual, the staff at Consigliere™ Ltd. has been busy as usual updating and adding new and improved stuff for your use.
This week we have as usual been busy with new stuff for everyone to use.
Just yesterday,(8/23/01) we received a transmission form one of The Consigliere's™ Top Technical Advisors, who is affectionately known as
"The Queen Of Outlook" for obvious reasons. Besides being one of the top instructors in the university she is employed by, she instructs the use of Outlook and how to coordinate it to work with your email servers. Her transmission was a very important drug recall that we are passing on to you, so please read it.
Drug Recall ]    Text Format
Email This Version ]

Just today we received a late transmission from "Christi_Smiles" (who's web sites have been featured here for her being awarded our Random Site Award) about an old telephone scam that has reared its ugly head again. We suggest that you read this and then send it to everyone you know. We did add an email form so you can send the page directly from there. This is not an article or joke,
This Is Fact
Telephone Scam ]

We would like to congratulate "Doc" for being the most recent recipient of The Consigliere's™ Random Site Award. "Doc" has some of the most beautiful custom designed graphics we have seen. Besides his "Military" Graphics and tributes, he also supports many really worthwhile causes. His sites are really worth your time to check them out.
Doc's Gecko Country ]

Whenever our Award Staff finds a site that is military oriented they like us to add a little bit about The Consigliere™ because of his true love and dedication to the military. The Consigliere™ was a Captain with Special Forces that commanded an "A" team in Vietnam from 1968 to 1970. To understand more on what an "A" team Captain did just follow the below link.
A Team ]

I Can't Attach Files!

As of Wednesday 08/22/01 Yahoo! email customers were all screaming the about statement. Well, it was a major system failure where their computers were relaying the same message to a majority of their customers that when they tried to attach a file they would receive the below message:

"Attachments: (K); (K); (K)

You have attached the system limit of three files to your message. If you would like to attach something else, please remove one of your current attachments.
Attached files Size Virus Check
No files attached"

We have been assured that the problem would be rectified asap. And as of late Wednesday, it has been fixed except for a few sporatic instances that are still being reported.

Tips and Tricks

Each week we add a little tip to assist you in your web building. Some of the things you already know and sometimes you will come across a thing or two that you wanted but did not know where to find it. This week we will feature
"Children And Web Designing"

We know many of you out there have children and watch you building and designing elaborate web sites with all the "Bells & Whistles". How many times did your children ask you, "How did you do that?", and you are at a loss for the right words to explain it to your child. Well our support staff have sent many a parent and teacher to this site for them to see how easy you can explain web designing to a child and make it fun for them.
Web Design For Children ]

Live Feed Virus Reports

We have now added a complete section dedicated to virus alerts and all the information, fixes and updates that are tailored to both the Home PC and the Business System.
Virus Alerts ]

Consigliere's Top Question

Every week we receive 100's of different questions on Web Design, Security, Email, Internet etc. There is always one question that sticks out more than the rest. So What we have decided to do is post the top question of the week and show you how we answer it. If you feel you would like to add to the answer feel free to contact us with your input on the question.


Q: "G'Day Mate! This is a two part question concerning the same thing. Is there a way to make a "marquee" tag around certain words that will not always have the "Marquee" effect and will stop after a while. Also I cannot figure out why or how I can't postion it instead of it doing the "marquee" thing across the whole page and only do it in a section of the page?"
          Mad In Melbourne

It is always a pleasure to hear from someone from "Down Under". To answer both parts of your question in a word; Yes, it is possible and quite simple. Instead of your regular <marquee> tag, you use an elaborate marquee tag with attributes within the tag. See the example below:

<marquee loop=15 width=35% behavior=slide>Scroll this text </center></marquee>

Scroll this text

As you can notice the attributes within the marquee tag. It is configured to marquee 15 times and to do it on 35% of the page and positioned in the center of the page. you will also notice the scrolling text is stronger than the regular text and also a different color . So to have the exact same effect as this one the "Marquee" effect will look like the below HTML code;

<center><marquee loop=15 width=35% behavior=slide><font color="red"><strong>Scroll this text</font></strong></marquee></center>

If you missed this effect because it will stop after 15 cycles, just refresh your page to see it again.

But there’s one major drawback to this approach: Netscape Navigator, one of the leading Web browsers in use today, doesn’t recognize the <marquee> tag. That means that the scrolling text effect will be missing for a substantial number of visitors to your site.

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If you would like to send a sample of our news letter to your friends, go to the below link and from there you can send a past issue that we update about every 3 weeks or so.
Sample News Letter ]

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News Letter Built And Maintained Exclusively by
News Letter Staff @ Consigliere™ Ltd.


Weekly Quote

"To keep up and improve Friendship, thou must be willing to receive a Kindness, as well as do one."

Thomas Fuller

Weekly Links

Awards Program

Virus Updates News Letter

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Topsite Contest


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Sircam Info

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Great Deals And Great Free Business Opportunities

Consigliere's™ Private Desk

Every once and a while something will come across Consigliere's™ desk that he feels he wants to share with everyone. So each week we shall post something different that he wants us to share with you.
Consigliere's™ Desk

Can't seem to find the effect you want to add on your site. Tell us and we can help.
The Consigliere™

Contact Us

Since The Consigliere™ Ltd. dba has many different departments for all the different services, it is much quicker if you would contact the proper department to expedite your requests. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Of late we have been receiving more and more submissions to be published in our news letter. If you do not get to see your submission immediately it is because of the volumn of articles we receive. We did not forget about any article and it will be published asap.
News Letter Administrator

USA All The Way

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