H ave you ever been surfing the internet and come across images or documents that you know are yours and really want to avoid others from "Borrowing" your work. Well this is not 100% foolproof, but it will totally deter the "Average" individual from viewing your source code and right clicking to lift your images and viewing your source code. Like I said, this will deter the "Average" individual, but like anything else, there are ways to get around every precaution you take depending on the knowledge of the person attempting to copy your information.
I f you would view our source code, this little trick can take a person by surprise. For an unsuspecting person, they will close the source code immediately. Do not close the source code and study everything you see carefully to see what we have done. Notice the scroll bars. All we did was to put that message there and then start our page coding much further down. To make this work so it will not appear on your document, you must follow the the below example or your message will appear on your document. Add a little message such as this above the opening <HTML> tag. Then scoll down a good amount before you start with your opening <HTML> tag. etc. To hide the message from appearing you must use the characters of <!-- in front of the message and the --> after the message. You can see this on our source code. If you do not use these characters to inclose your message, your message will appear on your document.
<!---------- Your Message Goes Here ---------->T he first thing you need to do is have a "Special" Java Script link set up on a preceding page to have this effect work. What this means is that if it is your root directory or main page you want to protect, you need to build an entry page to your main page. It will not work if someone will access the protected page directly from the URL of the protected page. Further down in this tutorial, we shall explain going down two layers to protect the access page so you can't view the URL of the "Protected" page from the access page.
f you are listed with search engines and everyone knows your Root address, then you may need to swap pages around so the access page is your Root URL and it will link to an .html page ( that will now be your main page) that will follow. This cannot be done by a META refresh tag. It must me done with a Special Java Script link. All the codes required will be on this page and not the linked to page for obvious reasons as you will see when you access the linked to page.
[ Access Protected Page ~ Level 1 ]
T he way this little script is configured, when it opens, (in a new window) you will not have an "Address" bar (To view the URL) nor will you have the view source "View" option button to open the source code. We have also eliminated the row of buttons that you can save the page to your favorites! You can also reconfigure the "size" of the window initially opening by changing the below numbers that have also been color coded. The below script will cause your protected page to open in a new browser window as opposed to the same window.
O n a final note with the below little script. On any page that they will link to you need to put a bogus title between your <TITLE> <TITLE> tags. If you don't and leave it blank, all the way on top of your browser window it will show the URL of that particular page.
B elow is the "Special" Java Script link you need to copy and paste into the access page document and change the yourpage.html to the page it will link to. This must be done with a complete URL and not just the ending of the URL.
<! -----------------Start Special Java Script Link ---------->
<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" ONCLICK="open('yourpage.html','private','scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,location=0,
width=550,height=300')">Access Source Protected Page</A>
<! -----------------End Special Java Script Link ---------->
hat the above little Java Script does in reality is to remove the row of buttons in the browser window. The links that would be eliminated would be:
File   Edit   View   Favorites   Tools   Help
By not being able to click on View link, it removes access to your source code. It also removes the "Address" bar to see the URL of the protected page.
I f you intend to go two levels deep, the "Special" above Java Script link will not work on the second access due to script conflict. You must use the below script to counteract the script conflict instead. This script is a two part copy and paste code that goes into the <HEAD> and <BODY> sections of your first level of protection. The only reconfiguration needed is to change the URL to the address of the second level of your protected page. This is the part of the script that is pasted anywhere in the <BODY> section where you want the button to appear.
O n a couple of further notes, on the intermediate and actual "Protected" page, be sure to have a title in the <HEAD> section of the documents that reflects nothing to do with the protected pages. The reason for this is quite simple.
I f you leave it with "No" title, the URL will show up at the top of the browser window on top of all the bars. If you have a title that reflects the sensitivity of the protected page and your site has "Spiders" that index your site, it can be easily found out what the protected URL is. If you notice on our "Protected sample page, we have a title that has nothing to do with anything in this section. This just makes it harder to locate with a spidered index.
T he next thing you must add to the "Protected" page is a "No Right Click" script. This script is pasted into the <HEAD> section of the protected document.
hen someone right clicks to save an image off your page, a message will come up letting people know that your information is copyright©. This script only works on newer browsers, and it's not foolproof as we stated earlier. If someone really wants something from your page they can find ways around it, but at least it's a warning to people who want to take your graphics. You can either grab the "No Right Click" script at the below link or copy and paste the code in the textarea box.
[ No Right Click ]
he below link is another variation of the "No Right Click" script. This one is rather unique due to the fact it also besides popping up the message, it also has an "Email" form attached. You really have to see this one, it is exceptionally cool.
[ Unique No Right Click ]
D epending on how crucial it is to protect your images and source code, you can actually go two layers deep to protect your material. All this means is that a person can view the source from the access or "Unprotected" page to see where the address of the protected page is located. You can also avoid this happening by encrypting your access page. The links for that are on the bottom of this page. By going two layers deep with the "Special" Java Script link, you can avoid anyone seeing the "Protected" page URL by having the Intermediate" page also protected. This is completely up to you as to how crucial your data is from being copied. We have the tutorial set up with an intermediate page also that is protected so you can't view the actual link of the protected page from the original access page.
he only other alternative we may suggest is depending how high a security level you require on your site, you may find it quite enlightening to go to the below link and find out more on password protection and total website security.
[ Security ]
I f you have any other questions on this feel free to contact us.
he last part of this tutorial deals with "After The Fact" so to speak. If your copyright© has been infringed upon and want to know what to do about it, follow the below link to our "Copyright©" tutorial that includes links to all the official agencies that deal with violations of the copyright© laws.
[ Copyright ]
e did not encrypt the source code on this page because it is a tutorial. If you would like to see how the "Encrypted" source code would look, follow the link below. We have also included links to our Encryption "Generators I and II" for your use also.
[ Encrypted Source Code ]
[ Source Code Encryption Generator I ]
[ Source Code Encryption Generator II ]
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