Sample Password Protection

Enter Password Protected Area
User Name:  

User Name:      bravenet
Password:        password

F or this example as you can see we used the above user name and password to gain access to the next page, which by the way is a page on how The Consigliere™ has made use of the many Bravenet Free Web Services that you can also get on the next page.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

T his is a really very good password system that "Bravenet Web Services" has. You can program up to 20 different pages to be password protected. Even when you view the source code on this page it does not tell you anything about what pages are protected or what passwords are being used. The reason for this is because it goes through the "Bravenet" server that you configure to protect the pages. If you are not that familiar with the "How to" on this when you sign up for this serevice you have a really good, step by step tutorial that is supplied with the setting up this password protection. Actually it is a very simple "copy and paste" one step code you paste where ever you want the login box to be positioned. Other than that all you have to do is set up the access page which is a different page than the one(s) you want protected.

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