The name of the company or organization: Note: OK to leave blank, but the title of the calendar will be a line lower than normal.
These events are for this product or service type: Note: Use the singular form; leave blank if not associated with a product or service.
The index page of this Web site:
Note: If the index page located in a different directory, you'll need to include that information; if you're not sure how to do that, put in the full URL of the index page, but do not include the http:// .
This page is associated with this area of the Web site:
Note: Type in the area's home page name.
Text for the bottom of the calendar page:
Note: Include here any copyright information or contact information for your Web site; you may use HTML, but all " should be written as \" .
Note: For the following color options, type in the hexadecimal code; do not include the # sign. Keep in mind that unvisited links will be blue and visited links will be purple -
So if you pick 0000CC as your page background, the unvisited links will be invisible, and if you pick 660099 as your page background, the visited links will be invisible. If you need helping choosing colors, please open the below link. (a new page will open in front of this one).
[ Color Chart ]
Color for background of page:
Color for text outside of calendar:
Color of calendar:
Color for text inside of calendar:
Choose your first choice for the text font:
Arial Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Verdana
Arial Black Impact
Courier New Georgia Times New Roman
Note: Fonts have been grouped by similarity. If two selections look the same, that means that you do not have one or more fonts installed. (Chances are that the missing fonts will look like Times New Roman or Arial.)
Choose your second choice for the text font:
Arial Comic Sans MS Trebuchet MS Verdana
Arial Black Impact
Courier New Georgia Times New Roman
Note: Your second font should be selected from the same group as your first font. The second font only shows up if the first font is not on the viewer's computer.
Internet Explorer (PC) Instructions: When you press "Make Calendar," the calendar will be generated in a new window. Check to make sure there are no errors. If there are any errors, come back to this window and make the changes; then press "Make Calendar" again. If the calendar is all right, then go to the File menu at the top of the calendar page, then select Save As. Make certain under "Save as type:" the type is "Web Page, HTML only (*.htm,*.html)". Name the document the correct name with .htm or .html as the extension, make sure you know where you can find the file, and click on Save. Once you have saved the file, upload to your Web site in the same directory as the area home page.
Netscape (PC) Instructions: When you press "Make Calendar," the calendar will be generated in a new window. Check to make sure there are no errors. If there are any errors, come back to this window and make the changes; then press "Make Calendar" again. If the calendar is all right, then go to the File menu at the top of the calendar page, then select Save As. Make certain under "Save as type:" the type is "Plain Text (*.txt)". Name the document the correct name with .htm or .html as the extension, make sure you know where you can find the file, and click on Save. Once you have saved the file, upload to your Web site in the same directory as the area home page.
Clicking the "New Calendar" button will clear this form.
e have tested the code in IE5.5 , IE6 , Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0 . This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.
f you would like to add this generator to your pages, it is an easy two step copy and paste code with no reconfigurations. One part goes in the <HEAD> section and the other part goes in the <BODY> section of your document.
eel free to save this generator to your desktop of favorites or if you would like to add this effect to your pages, grab the below link and you are there.
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