Free Remote CGI Hosting!

M any of you want to add all the bells, whistles and add ons associated with CGI access to your site but do not have CGI* access associated with your web page hosts. This site, ] offers you 30+ scripts that they host remotely with CGI access.

CGI* (Common Gateway Interface)
1)    A protocol that allows Web servers to interact dynamically with other software packages to create custom Web pages.
2)    A Web server scripting standard; a mechanism used to connect script to Web Server ]. In the past, most CGI programs were actually script files and were often written in scripting languages like PERL.
3)   Today, scripts can also be executable programs. You can write scripts in C and Visual Basic. The CGI specification has gone through several revisions.
4)   The best place to fine up-to-date information is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3) Web site (

B elow are some of the scripts you can have access to with a free membership.

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