Color Editor


Color Editor

T his is a JavaScript and HTML based color editor for inclusion in Webpages. Features include: RGB/HSL/HTML color support, basic color palette, hue/saturation palette, lightness slider, customizeable palette to store colors for later reuse.

A full blown Color Editor/Chooser just like the one you are used to from your favorite photo editor. Features include: RGB/HSL/HTML color support, basic color palette, hue/saturation palette, lightness slider, customizable palette to store colors for later reuse. You have to see it to believe it.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6.0, Netscape4.08, Opera7.23 and Netscape7.02. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where it will "Not" work. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages.

B efore we begin, we feel obligated to advise you that this tutorial is not designed for anyone who does not have a good solid knowledge of HTML coding. In other words, if you are a novice, please do not attempt this until you are proficient with HTML codes, reconfigurations and java scripting.

I f you follow our tutorial, you will not have any trouble with this script. Do Not deviate from our instructions or it is quite possible you will get totally confused and frustrated. Since this is complicated and lengthy, grab the below link and you are at our tutorial.
Get Tutorial And Script Here ]

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