Colorful Scroll Bar Generator

C olor table: Enter the color number or click on a cell to choose your color.

    Chosen color

1. Set color for your scrollbars when it is actived (mouse over). Tip: you would better set the face color lighter the line color.

    Line color
    Face color

2. And set the colors for scrollbars in normal state here, choose the color you like from above table and click Set Color:

    Line color
    Face color

3. Finally set a type of scrollbars you want and click Generate Source Code, you will see the illustration on scrollbars around:

    Flat scrollbars            3D scrollbars

Paste generated code in the <BODY> section of your document.

T his utility helps you to create a script that make your scrollbars colorful. You can also change scrollbars color, moving cursor over.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.0 where the following variations were observed:

1)      This generator will not appear properly nor will it function.
2)      If you generate the script from an IE browser, it will not appear in Netscape browsers.
3)      You will not receive any error messages.

T o generate the code for the colorful scroll bars, you must do this from an IE browser. Generator does not appear correctly nor does it work from a Netscape browser.

G uide: Put the generated script on the <BODY> section of your web page. Lets note that this script works with IE5.5+, other browsers just ignore it.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, if you want to add this generator to your pages, it is a one step copy and paste as a complete HTML document. The only reconfigurations you can actually make are within a complete body tag as to colors of your page, font, links and size. Below we shall show you the default and then where to add the complete body tag to change the cosmetic look of your page. The default by the way is a white page with black font.

Default Body Tag

<body onload="act(document.myForm)">

A s you can see, the complete body tag in the default is for all intensive purposes, missing. The reason being is that all the text within the page is actually within the script and all coded for white background and black font. To override this all you need to do is insert a complete body tag as shown below.

Reconfigured With Complete Body Tag

<body bgcolor="#000000"text="#9966ff" link="#ffa500" alink="#ffff00" vlink="#ffa500">
<basefont size="3">
<body onload="act(document.myForm)">

A s you can notice where we inserted a complete body tag to alter the cosmetic look of our page to fit with all our other pages. Also notice we did not include the
<body onload="act(document.myForm)"> within the body tag itself. If you do, it will cause the generator to stop functioning!
<body bgcolor="#000000"    #000000 is black not yellow. We did that to color code everything you can reconfigure to have it blend into your pages better.

A s always, if you have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us. You can either book mark this page or if you want to add this generator to your site, just follow the below link.
Get Code Here ]

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