Pop Up Context Menu

"W hat's a context menu? Well, it's a custom menu that pops up in place of the default context menu when you right click your mouse. This custom menu can do virtually anything you want it to do, although in this script, it's designed to go to a set of URLs".

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0 where it will "Not" work.

1)    Script degrades will in Netscape and you will no get any error messages. It just will not have the prescribed effect on the page.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and Java script not a hard effect to put on your site. It is a two part "Copy & Paste" code that the first part is pasted into the <HEAD> section of your document and the second part goes in the <BODY> section.

W hen you see the working script when you get the code it will not look like the one on this page. There are all kinds of reconfigurations you can do to change color, border etc. The day we found this code after studying it for the first time it only took me about 20 minutes to make the reconfigurations in it.

T he basic reconfigurations are that of the URLs or links that you need to change from the default code. You can also make the link open up in a new window by adding the attribute target="newwin" or target="_blank" right after the end of your URL.

F or all intensive purposes on this page, we have all the links within the context menu opening in a new window.

Y ou don't have to change the colors or size of the pop up if you don't want to. We did to have it cosmetic with our site.

I f you would like this effect on your page just right click on the page and then click on "Get Code Here". After you study the code and their tutorial, if you still cannot see where to make the reconfigurations on it feel free to contact us. We feel that the site that you get this script has an excellent tutorial on this. If you still can't understand it, tell us and we will build a page for you with all the reconfigurations.

Just on a personal note

B y using this script you actually "Take care of two birds with one stone". By using the right click to bring up the menu you also defeat the people who right click to "borrow" your images in a very subtle way.

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