Delete Your Temp. Files And Cookies

I s your browser storing outdated information?

P lease empty/clear/flush your browser's cache. The cache is a place on your hard drive where your browser stores local copies of pages, images and sounds from Web sites you've visited. Emptying the cache is important because it will prevent old, possibly outdated, pages and files from interfering with new downloaded pages.

Netscape Navigator: In Navigator 3, Click to Options/Network Preferences/Cache and click the "Clear Memory Cache Now" and "Clear Disk Cache Now" buttons. Other versions of Navigator have similar commands; please check the help file.

Netscape Communicator: Click Edit/Preferences/Advanced/Cache, then click both "Clear Cache" buttons.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 : In IE3, Click to View/Options/Advanced/ (Temporary Internet Files) Settings/Empty Folder. Early versions of IE have similar commands; please check the help file.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 : Click View/Internet Options, and on the General tab, click on Delete Files in the "Temporary Internet Files" section.

Other Browsers: Almost all browsers have a way to clear the disk cache; please check your documentation or help files.

I t is recommended to periodically clear the cookies stored on your hard disk. This needs to be done manually.

MSIE cookies are stored in the "Windows/Temporary Internet Files" folder. Find the cookies, then highlight them and delete them. Netscape browsers have a cookie.txt file generally found in the Netscape folder. This file stores all your cookies. You can delete this file, thereby removing all your cookies.

I f you are running "Windows" and Explorer this is what you need to do. To clear the temporary internet files and History it is a three part process.

1)      First look on the top of your browser and you will see a row of words.
File,Edit,View,Favorites,Tools,Help.Click on "Tools".
When that box opens you will see a few choices.Click on "Internet Options".
When the next box opens you will see a section that says "Temporary Internet Files".

There will be two buttons that say "Delete Files" & Settings".Click on "Settings".
Then another screen will appear that says "Settings".

Click on "View Files".Now another screen will come up with all your "Cookies" on it.

On the top of that screen you will see the row of words File, Edit etc. Click on "Edit" and then click on "Select All".
Be sure that "Temporary Internet Files" are checked.
Now you see all your cookies hi-lighted.
Now click on the word "File".
Now another box will come up with more choices on it.
Click on "Delete".
Now a pop up will appear and ask you
"Do you really want to delete the selected cookies"?
Click "Yes".

2)      Now go to the upper right hand corner and click the "X" and close that screen.
Now there will be 2 OK buttons on the box that is still up.
Click OK on the upper one.Now you only have one box open.
In the middle of that box there is a word that says
" "Delete Files".

Click on it. Now another little box will come up on top of the first box.(Delete Files)

There is a little box on that box that you need to check.
"Delete All Off Line Files".
Now click OK.

3)      One more step and you are done.(Almost)
Now you will see a button that says "Clear History" Click on it.
Now a pop up will appear and ask you
"Are You Sure You Want Windows to Delete Your History of Visited Web sites"?
Click "Yes"
Poof !!!! Your Done !!!

E xcept if you want to set the amount of time you want to keep your history and the amount of cookies you want to store.
This part once you set you don't have to do again.

A fter you clicked "Yes" there is still a box remaining.
Just to the "Left" of the Delete History Button there is a set on changable numbers to set how many days you want to save your history. We set ours to "Zero".
All this does is the amount of days you are saving your temporary history files and clogging up the system.

N ow for one more thing and you are done.Click on settings and there is a set of changable numbers there also.We have ours set to to 166. The higher the number the larger the amount of cookies you are storing.
Now ...All Done!!!! Whew !!!!

W hat this does is totally clean your temporary internet files and history and allows your system to operate faster.

I f you are running "Windows XP" and Explorer this is what you need to do.

1)        First look on the top of your browser and you will see a row of words.
File,Edit,View,Favorites,Tools,Help.Click on "Tools".
When that box opens you will see a few choices.Click on "Internet Options".

2)        When that little box appears, about middle ways down, you will have 3 little buttons. Delete Cookies..., Delete Files..., Settings....

3)        Now select "Delete Cookies..." and once you do, a box will appear that says: "Delete All Cookies in the Temporary Internet File Folder?". Select "OK".

4)        Now look again on the top of your browser and you will see a row of words.
File,Edit,View,Favorites,Tools,Help.Click on "Tools".
When that box opens you will see a few choices.Click on "Internet Options".

3)        Now select "Delete Files..." and once you do, a box will appear that says: "Delete All Files in the Temporary Internet File Folder?". "You can also delete all your offline content stored locally". Be sure to check the box that says "Delete all offline content". Now Select "OK" and you are done. If any boxes are still open, you can close them now.

I f you are running "Windows XP" will now cover "Disc Cleanup". This process enables you to clear your disc of Unnecessary files.

1)        Go to and select your "Start" Menu (Lower left side of your screen).

2)        Now select "Programs".

3)        Now find "Acessorories".

4)        Now find "System Tools" and hi-lite it and another box will appear.

5)        When that box appears, find "Disc Cleanup" and select it.

6)        On a normal system, your main drive is "C". This is the drive you want to clean.

7)        This might take a few minutes depending on how long it has been since you did this last.

W e do this every day before we shut our system down for the night. I hope this help you.

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