T he top above little form button will not work properly in Netscape4.08. See our below reconfigurations to make it work properly in both Netscape and IE.
T his is a really cool effect to have on your page. This code is a little more difficult for the simple reason you need two pages for the effect to work. Your main page will only have the button on it and the second page will be the page the button is linked to to open up the clock.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where it will "Not" work properly without the below modifications.
1) Pop Up clock will open in full window and not adhere to size settings in form button.
2) You must not use the script form button and replace it with the below script so it will work properly in both IE and Netscape.
T o make the clock open properly in Netscape which will also work properly in IE is now a two part script that is pasted into both the <HEAD> and <BODY> section of the page you will have the button on to open the clock.
W hat is in the above textarea form box is just for the reconfigured form button that is placed on the page you want to open the clock from. It has nothing to do with the other page you must build for the clock itself.
O ther than that depending on your knowledge of HTML and java it is not that difficult. The only reconfigurations you need to make on this "copy & paste" is to change the destination path URL to the page that the button is actually on. The reconfiguration is on the smaller of the two codes. It is the code that gets pasted into <BODY> of your main html document. Below is where you reconfigure the button to link to the new file you created to open the clock. The below button will not function properly in Netscape4.08. See our above modifications for the form button to work with Netscape and IE.
<form name=digitalclock>
<input type=button value="Open the Wall Clock" onClick="window.open
('Your URL/wall-clock.html', 'wallclock',
'width=200, height=200');">
ow that the reconfigurations are done and the codes are "pasted" in their proper locations you are done. If you would like to add this effect to your pages, grab the below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this feel free to contact us.
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