Today is . Page created 09/03/02, updated 05/23/06

Image Copyright© To This Site Copyright© Fact and Fiction Gavel

C opyright ©. That is the word everyone is curious about. The howto, the who has to, the should I etc. Well below we have compiled what we feel is a good instructional page on what it is all about.

T o begin with, let us state that when you "Publish" (add to your site) anything that is yours, it shall be deemed presumptive evidence by the laws governing copyright that it is already copyright© to you. You do not have to register it with the US copyright© office, if you don't want to.

M any people are under the misconception that the work you publish Including but not restrained to images and or pictures must have a copyright brand on every single image and or photograph. This is not true. In actuality you need nothing more than the knowledge and a copy and or description of said articles(s) that the work is yours. In certain instances, if you use someone else's work
( ie images that are specified copyright© )
you can with written permission from the author, artist or creator use their work with a credit and or link back to on such work to reflect their copyright©. A prime example is with electronic greeting cards that the site holds exclusive copyrights© to their work.

M any people have asked if
"I need to Brand or mark every image, picture and or document"?
that is not already copyright to their own work. The answer to this is if you feel it is a necessity, then do so. But in actually what most sites do today is to add a few lines of script to the bottom of their pages to reflect the work done is by the person "publishing" the work. Depending on how many pictures, images etc. you have the "Branding" of every image can be a long process. It has to be done individually. There is no shortcut to "Branding" every image.

Copyright © Consigliere Ltd., All Rights Reserved. 2001-

I f you would just copy and paste the below code you can add this to the bottom of your pages with your changes that are color coded to reflect you.

<p><font face="georgia,arial,helvetica"size="-2"color="Your Color Here"> Copyright © year/s, Your Name Here, All Rights Reserved.</font></p>

I f you don't know how to make the © sign it is easy. All you do is hold down the "Alt" key and at the same time type in 0  1  6  9. Then release your "Alt" key and you shall have ©. You can also type in &copy; and get the same effect ©. This is all there is to marking your pages "Copyright©".

W e have tested both variations to make the copyright character in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.3, Opera8.54, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. Both versions worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

For Your Information For your Information:     If you would like a script that automatically updates your copyright©, just grab the below link and you are there.
Auto Updating Copyright© Script ]

Music Search Portal Could Solve Those Copyright Blues
By Beth Cox ]

August 29, 2002

S o you're planning an online promo campaign for an e-commerce Web site and you're itching to use some theme music from a song that you can just barely remember from back in the '80s. You want to do things right and get permission, maybe pay a small royalty, but you just don't know where to turn. Just follow the below link and the article and links will enlighten you on the howto.
Where And Howto ]

D on't get us wrong, you can register your work to the copyright offices of The United States if you feel your work warrants it. There are fees, forms and then of course the long process of "waiting" to get your copyright certificates. We have included links below that besides has all the FAQ's from the US copyright office, the forms and procedure to go about this.
US Govt. Copyright FAQ ]
US Govt. Copyright Office ]

I f you have any problems with this page or with anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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