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A Critter Thwacking game. Whack 25 critters and try and improve your time.
D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is a very easy copy and paste as a complete HTML document with no reconfigurations. The only reconfigurations you can make are cosmetic to the background of the page, font, font color and color of the game itself. We do not feel a full tutorial is needed at this time because all you need to do is study the script and you will see where you can make the cosmetic changes. If you do need a full tutorial on this, feel free to contact us and we will build one for you.
I f you would like to add this game to your pages, just follow the below link and you are there.
n a final note that you need to know. When you get to the script site and you see the script inside the textarea box, don't even bother with it. It is not the script. Click on the link that says "Play The Game". Once the game opens, view the source code and copy and paste that as a complete document. That is the code for the game.
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