T his tutorial is not designed for anyone who does not have a good working knowledge of HTML and java scripts. We will explain this script as easily as possible to assist you in adding this effect to your pages.
T his is a two part copy, paste and highly reconfigurable script that is placed in the <HEAD> and <BODY > section of your document with reconfigurations in both sections.
T he reconfiguration within the <HEAD> section of your document pertain to the URL links that the page will transition to once selected. The default code has three 3 different categories for adding URL's and must be associated with the names that are in the <BODY> section of this script.
<Head> Section Reconfigurations
if(j==1) { // 1st category items
a=new Array();
O("Pick Item --->","");
O("Link Name","Put Your URL Here");
O("Link Name","Put A URL Here");
O("Link Name","Add Another URL Here");
if(j==2) { // 2nd category items
a=new Array();
O("Pick Item --->","");
O("Link Name","Put Your URL Here");
O("Link Name","Put A URL Here");
O("Link Name","Add Another URL Here");
if(j==3) { // 3rd category items
a=new Array();
O("Pick Item --->","");
O("Link Name","Put Your URL Here");
O("Link Name","Put A URL Here");
O("Link Name","Add Another URL Here");
T he above code is the default numer of 3 category items. You can add as many link URL's and Link Names as you want in any and all categories! as long as they are before or on top of the } in each category.
I f you would like to add more than the default number of 3 categories, just follow the sequence as shown below
if(j==4) { // 4th category items
a=new Array();
O("Pick Item --->","");
O("Link Name","Put Your URL Here");
O("Link Name","Put A URL Here");
O("Link Name","Add Another URL Here");
A ll the above reconfigurations will be seen in the right side drop down menu after you select an item from the left side drop down menu.
<Body> Section Reconfigurations
T his is where you will be configuring all your main category topics for the left side drop down menu and number of <option value="/"> tags needed.
<option value="/">Pick Category --->
<option value="/">Main Topic 1
<option value="/">Main Topic 2
<option value="/">Main Topic 3
ere again in the above section you can add as many Main Topics as you need. Just follow the sequence and be sure they are above the closing
</select></form></td> tag!
T he below and final section to be reconfigured can become slightly confusing, if you allow it to.
Put a blank item (like below) for the MAXIMUM
number of items in one of your categories.
i.e. If your "largest" menu contains 5 items,
include 5 blank lines here. For 10, include
10, and so on.
<option value="/">
<option value="/">
<option value="/">
A ll this above means is that whatever is the most number of links you have in any of the categories set forth in the <HEAD> section, you need that many of the above <option value="/"> tags and be sure to keep the same spacing in between the --> and the </select></form></td>
I n other words, on our example we have in our largest category 37 different links, so you would need 37 <option value="/"> tags in this section of the code. Don't forget the Spacing!
Modification For Netscape Variation
T he below part of the script is for the second textarea form box that chages width according to what selections are chosen in the first form box. This does not function in Netscape. To rectify this you need to add as many dashes - as required so all the selections are seen. The default has 3 dashes.
<td><form name=f2 method=post action="" onsubmit="return false;">
<select name="m2" onchange="jmp(this.form,0)">
<option value="/">Pick Item --->
<td><form name=f2 method=post action="" onsubmit="return false;">
<select name="m2" onchange="jmp(this.form,0)">
<option value="/">Pick Item --------------->
W e cannot tell you how many dashes you will use. This is all up to the content you add into it. This you will need to play around with until it works for you.
T hat is about it for the reconfigurations. If you do have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.
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