
Registry Scan ~ Process and DLL Search

T he Registry is the heart and soul of any Windows system. It contains information that controls how your system appears and how it behaves. When you install an application, new Registry entries will be created. These entries automatically will be deleted when you uninstall the application. Unfortunately, this process does not always work. Sometimes, some applications fail to remove their own Registry entries. These entries become obsolete. After a long period, after you install and uninstall a number of applications, your Windows Registry will contain a large number of obsolete entries. This will significantly increase the Registry size and slow down your computer, because Windows will need more time to load, search, and read data from the Registry. The below link we feel is the path to a really excellent (free) Registry Scanner and cleaner. Besides scanning your registry, it will also advise you if the process is safe to remove or not. You can download this free program from either of the below links.
Tweak Now RegCleaner 2.6 ] 5 Star Rating By Download.com 5 Star Rating By Download.com 5 Star Rating By Download.com 5 Star Rating By Download.com 5 Star Rating By Download.com
Tweak Now RegCleaner 2.6 ~ zdnet.com ]

I f by chance the scan produces some unknown processes*, you can grab the below link and type in the name of the process/DLL file in the search box on the page the link will transport you to. Here you will find the answer to your question pertaining to what the process/DLL file actually does and see if you should remove it.
ProcessLibrary.com ]

*     The software and the site that defines all the different processes/DLL files and in no way associated. We are just giving you some added reference if the scan either does not give an explanation or fully explain the process/DLL file.

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