Today is . Page created 08/01/02, updated 03/19/06

Drop-Down Document Viewer

U se this versatile DHTML script to allow your visitors to select/ view external documents from your site. Specify whether the selected page is loaded in an inline frame or new window. You will see where to make all the configurations in our tutorial.

W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.1, Opera8.52, Netscape7.02, Netscape8.0.4 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms with one variation observed in Firefox1.5.0.1, Netscape7.02 and Netscape8.0.4. This variation did not have any adverse effect of the effect itself.

The variation was that when you select "Yahoo!", it appears that the page is on a black background instead of the white which is defined in its source. Reason being is that we have our page defined as black and somehow this reflects when it goes to Yahoo! To see what we are explaining, grab the below link for a screen capture of this variation;
Variation In Netscape and FireFox ]
Workaround: All we can say is that if you do not want this slight vatiation, have this effect sit on a white or light colored page as opposed to a dark one such as this.

I n this demo, selected pages are configured to load in an inline frame (for IE4+ and NS6+). Note that in NS4-, the pages are simply launched in a new window, since the browser does not support <iframe>.

W e have one other effect very similar to this but instead of using a "Drop-Down Meun", it uses "Tabs". If you would like to see that effect, grab the below link and you are there.
Tabbed Document Viewer ]

W e hope our tutorial was easy to follow (In Drop-Down Menu) and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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