Download Files
From Your Web Site

O ne question we hear asked a lot is:
"How can I allow visitors to download files from my site?"

T he answer is simple. All you need to do is point to your files using the HREF tag. However, the file must be in a format that will not execute or display on a browser. Instead, if the browser can't recognize the file, it will launch a download window.

F or most purposes, you should try "zipping" your files for optimum results. Zip files are compressed and therefore download faster, and you can zip images, sounds or even HTML files without worrying about them actually executing.

I f you need to download a "clickable" file, you can get around this by telling your visitors to press the SHIFT Key and then Right Click to save the file to their own computers.

S ample:

<a href="yourfile.ext">Download my file</a>

B elow is a working example of how this works. We have "Zipped" a file and uploaded it to our editor. All you need to do is click on the below link and it will download to your computer. This is an image file of The Consigliere™ after working all night. Download it and see what a "Handsome Devil" he is.
Download This File ]

T his next one is a "Zipped" Midi music file that works in the same way.
Download Music Midi File ]

B elow is how the uploaded zip file would look when it is called for being downloaded.

<p><a href="Your Path To The Uploaded Zip File/Your File">
Download This File</a></p>

I f you need to get a download of "WinZip", which will "Zip" and "Unzip" your files, click on the below graphic to get it today.

Get Your Download Here

O n a few final notes, in order to unzip files you have downloaded from another site (because they will be in "Zipped" format), you do need some sort of program to unzip the files and open them. We personally use the above "WinZip" program and are extremely satisfied with its performance.

A lso, when you download from other sites a box will appear, check "Save To Disc" for your option. This way you will have a permanent copy saved to your hard drive in zip format. Also some files can contain harmful viruses. By saving the file to your hard drive, you can also scan it to be sure it is virus free before you open it. If you have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.

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