he first part of the script that can be configured is within the <HEAD> section of the script. This also depends on which selection you have made for the frequency of this box appearing. This choice you will make on the site where you get the script. This part of the code, within the <HEAD> will be slightly different depending on which of the three choices you decide on;
1) Appear every time the page loads
2) Once per browser session
3) Once out of every ? times page loads (controlled frequency)
A nything that invites attention overtime will become a nuisance. To counter this, this script supports "frequency control", so you can specify how often the content drops in. You can select that option if you want from the script site that will generate that section of code for you.
<HEAD> Section Reconfigurations
T his little bit of code is a constant in all three choices. This controls the amount of "bounce" as you will notice when the drop in box appears. The higher the number the more bounce until it stops. Notice the number must be divisible by 8. this means you can set that number to 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 etc.
var bouncelimit=32 //(must be divisible by 8)
var direction="up"
T he next reconfiguration in the <HEAD> section is if you choose the (controlled frequency). This means you decide how many pages loads between appearing.
//Specify rate of display (1/freq)
var freq=5
I f you chose the once per browser session, this will automatically send a cookie to the browser to tell it not to appear more than once per session! The only configuration in the <HEAD> section for this choice would be to reconfigure the amount of "bounce" as shown above.
<BODY> Section Reconfigurations
his is the section that you configure the size of the box and what content you would like to have appear when the box appears. You can have text, graphics, links etc. If you decide to add links within the box and want people to stay on the page that this box will appear, you need to have the links open in a new window by adding the attribute of target="_blank" into the link. See the below example. This does Not apply to the
<div align="right"><a href="javascript:dismissbox()">[Close Box] </a></div>
link that is included within the content area. Do not remove this or your visitors will now be able to close the box! You can reposition and or align it left, right or center if you want. It does not have to be positioned as in the default code.
<a href="Your Link Address"target="_blank">Link Name</a>
N ow for the reconfigurations within the drop in box itself that will appear.
<div id="dropin"
<div align="right"><a href="javascript:dismissbox()">[Close Box] </a></div>
P ay particular attention to the above closing </div> tag! You'll want to edit the code to insert your own content above that closing tag. Be sure not to remove that uttermost above </div> tag!
T he above color coded areas are really self explained on to where to reconfigure your size, background-color and Content inside the box.
f you would like to see how we add a table around the drop in box, just follow the below link, (It will open in a new pop up window) and you will see where and how to add this cosmetic effect to it.
[ How To Add A Table Effect! ]
f you do have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
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