T his an extremely great effect to draw attention to your site.It has the capabilities of expanding to more or less messages to suit your needs. Depending on your knowledge of HTML and Java scripts this is an easy effect to add to your site. It is a one step copy and paste code that you put in the <BODY> section of your HTML document. Actually all you need to do is change the default messages to your own. You can if it will suit your site better also reconfigure the speed and time delay in the script.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where the following variations were observed.
1) The surrounding text does not shift even without a table around it.
2) The shifting of the surrounding text only occurs in IE.
3) To make this script uniform in both platforms, we suggest adding the table so the script is the same in both.
Speed And Time Delay Reconfigurations
var speed = 100;Message Reconfigurations
var themessage2 = new initArray(O n a final note with this script that is important. As you notice as the text expands to maximum size nothing below the script moves lower and higher to compensate for the expansion and contraction. If you do not add a table around the script, you will notice that everything else around the script moves up and down. You can use the below table and modify it to the needs of your text. See the below example of how to position the table.
Add Table Reconfigurations
<table bgcolor="#000000" border="0" height="70"
cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3">
<td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" colspan="3">
Place The Complete Script In Here!
o view this script without a table around it with IE where the variation occurs, grab the below link and you will see why we have added a table around it.
[ Script Without Table surrounding It ]
f you have any problems with this feel free to contact us.
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