Y ou must disable all your pop up blockers in order to view this effect.
Once you do, then [ Reload ] this page
his generator will generate an expiring offer Pop-up like you saw when this page opened. It does vanish after the designated time as you saw with the visible countdown.
[ Expiring Offer Generator ]
B efore you make use of the generator, please continue to read further on the certain way you must write the coding for images etc. to enter into the generator for the code to be generated correctly, and the pop up to appear.
W e have tested the generator and generated code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08, Netscape7.0 and Netscape7.02. This generator and generated script worked well in all platforms tested with the following variations observed in Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0
- 1) The generator will not function in any Netscape platform other than 7.02.
- 2) The generated code will not be seen in any Netscape platform other than 7.02.
- 3) Script and generator does degrade well and you will not get any error messages.
- 4) In other words, It will only work in Internet Explorer and Netscape7.02!
I f you would like to see the effect again, just refresh this page!
A dding images and HTML codes into this generator is done in a specific manner. If not done this way, it will not work and you will become extremely frustrated on why it won't work. As you continue to read, you will see howto add images, and HTML tags.
S ince the generated code makes use of both the ' and the ", you must write any image or HTML code with the apostrophe as opposed to the quotation mark. What this means is that any HTML you enter that needs the normal ", you will replace it with the '. See below example:
Normal HTML Image Code
<img src="Path To Your Image" border="0"width="?"height="?"alt="?">
How It Has To Be Written
<img src='Path To Your Image' border='0'width='?'height='?'alt='?'>
T he next thing you must be aware of it the positioning of image codes and text (including font tags etc.) You cannot have spaces other than a single space between your information or it will not appear. In other words, see the below example of the partially generated code for our pop up where we inserted our images, and HTML etc.
<img src='https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/images/expirebanner.gif' border='0'width='468'height='60'alt='Expiring Pop Up'> <br><font color='#000000'><i><b>This is the basic idea on what you can generate as a vanishing pop up.<br> As you can notice, images are allowed along with HTML coding. <br> To see this effect again, when this pop up closes, just refresh the page. <br> See the below link for the special way to add images and HTML coding into this pop up! <marquee> <font color='#ff0000'>Marquee Tags Allowed!</font><img src='https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/cool.gif' border='0' width='32' height='32' alt='Cool Little Dancer' align='bottom'> </marquee> <br><br><font color='#00008b'>Generator And Generated Script Works In IE Platforms And Netscape7.02 Only!</font> </i></b>
If you would copy and paste the above section of code into the generator, set the height to "330", the width to "500" and leave the default countdown as is, generate and "Test It Live!" you will see how it functions correctly.
B y looking at the above partial code, you can see the way you need to write the HTML coding for it to generate and appear correctly. Notice the lack of spacing but the use of the different tags to break up the images, text, etc.
B elow we will define the different tags used in the above code.
T he last thing we need to cover is the copy and paste code from the script site if you want to add this generator to your side. When you get to the script site and select "See The Code" for you to copy and paste, there is an error in the script. The script itself is a complete HTML document but.................
T here is some codes you need to delete otherwise it will not work. When you get down to the "First" closing </BODY> and </HTML> tag, you need to "Stop" your copy. Do Not copy anything below that or the generator will not function. See example below.
<p> <td align="center"><font color="#006699" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Copyright
2003 ITWebTeam.net</font></td>
<!------ End Copy Here! ------>
<!------ Do Not Copy Below Here! ------>
n a final note that might be of some assistance if you plan on making use of graphics within the pop up. We suggest the use of a preload script. What this does is to preload the graphics(s) that will appear in the pop up. It looks better if the pop up opens immediately and the image is already loaded. If you follow the below link, you can find a preload script that we make use of, including on this pop. Just use the preload script in the <HEAD> section of the document that you have pasted the expiring pop up script.
[ Preload Script ]
f you would like to add this generator into your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you do have any problems, feel free to contact us.
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