T his is basically just a floating image two part java script that we added a twist and added a link to the image. Depending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts this is an easy two part script that one section gets pasted in the <HEAD> section and the other part, including the "body onload" event gets pasted in the <BODY> section of your document. There are hardly any reconfigurations to be made on this script as we shall show you below.
Configurations In The Head Section
function checkLocation(){ Above are the only configurations needed in the <HEAD> section. These configurations will be that of the size of your image that you upload to your editor. Configurations In The Body Section
imgwidth=147;  // logo width, in pixels
imgheight=93;  // logo height, in pixels
<BODY onload="setVariables(),startMoveR()" bgcolor=#000000>
The above is the reconfiguration for the color of your page.<table><td>
<a href="Your Link URL Here"><IMG SRC="URL Path To Your Image Here" width="147" height="93"border=0 ALT="Consigliere's™ Mailing list">
The only thing we did in the above section was to add the below link tag.
<a href="Your Link URL Here">
hat is about all there is to have this script on your page. One last reminder, If you add text or anything else with this script, be sure it goes after the closing </div> tag below the script. If you don't you will get error messages. Also if you have any other scripts on the page that make use of the body onload they may cancel each other out and neither one would work. To avoid this happening go to the below link ( Scripts In Conflict ) and there is a tutorial on how to make them work together. If you have any trouble with this feel free to contact us.
[  Scripts In Conflict ]
[ Get Script Here ]
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