T he below answer was a direct transmission from Yahoo! customer support to The Consigliere™ after a phone conversation with one of The Consigliere's™ technicians. This transmission is to clarify any and all questions pertaining to being able to compose and send email transmissions in this fashion.
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:16:35 -0700
To: Consigliere@ConsigliereLtd.zzn.com
Subject: Re: Send - Other (KMM51446472V38495L0KM)
From: "Yahoo! Mail" <mail@yahoo-inc.com>
Reply-to: Yahoo! Mail <mail@yahoo-inc.com>
Hello Consigliere™
After our telephone conversation with one of your technicians, here is what we discussed and have clarified on the use of the "Formatted Version" of our email. I hope this will aid you in assisting others on the do's and do not's of our formatted version of email.
To switch to the formatted version of Yahoo! Mail, click on the link that says "Switch to formatted version" on the "Compose Mail" screen and you'll see the new window for composing text.
If you want to switch back to the standard "Compose" window, click on the "Switch to plain text version" link.
Make sure that you send or save your messages before leaving the formatted version of the Yahoo! Mail composing window. If you don't send or save them, you will lose any unfinished messages.
The following are a list of reasons why you are not able to use the formatted version with your mail account:
1. You are not using an Microsoft Internet Explorer browser 5.0 or higher. The formatted feature is not available for Netscape at this time. To use the formatted feature, you will need to access your mail account in MSIE 5.0 or higher.
2. You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0b. The formatted feature is not available for this Beta version.
3. You are using the non-frames version of Yahoo! mail. You must use the frames version of mail in order to use the formatted feature.
If none of these reasons are valid with your account, please write us back and we will investigate the issue further.
Unfortunately at the current time, the formatted version of Yahoo! mail is not available on Mac systems.
This also means that if you do not have the above required browser versions, you also cannot make use of our smiley faces either.
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care. Will talk to you again soon.
Yahoo! Customer Care
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