B efore we begin, we feel obligated to advise you that this tutorial is not designed for anyone who does not have a good solid knowledge of HTML coding. In other words, if you are a novice, please do not attempt this until you are proficient with HTML codes, reconfigurations and validations.
H ow many times have you received request or order forms from your site with pertinent information missing and you can't process the order/request? Frustrating isn't it? Well, we will show you how to avoid that problem within your forms.
T here are too many different form validators to actually list. Since one of the easiest and best we have found and use exclusively is from "Bravenet Services", we will show you how theirs work. With Bravenet form validators, just as with all their free services, their side does the work, you just copy and paste the codes. Take note that you must use their form and their validator for it to work.
e have covered on the other section how to incorporate a character/word counter within your form. This section will deal with Form Validation. In other words, if you do not fill in the required fields, you will get a pop up message telling you to "Please fill them in" before the form can be transmitted.
[ Back To Word/Character Counter ]
epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, the email validation script is a one part copy and paste code. The script gets pasted into the <HEAD> section the your document where the form resides. Once this is done, the fun starts. You need to configure each field of the form validator to match the form itself.
And to answer the next question, yes, it is case and character sensitive!
B efore we begin, do not fill in any of the boxes and click "Submit Your Form". Watch what happens. This is the finished product of making sure your visitors fill in all the fields you require. For this example, we have incorporated all fields as being required.
Required Fields*
ollow the below link to see how and where to make your reconfigurations to incorporate this form validator into a form as in the above working example. This link will open in a new browser window for your convenience.
[ Reconfigurations ]
I f the tutorial is at all confusing, please feel free to contact us.
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