Have you ever been filling out a form and or logged into a site and as you are typing in your password, all you see is either astericks or dots and wonder how the actual text is being masked from view? Well, look no further, this is very easy to acomplish. All you have to do is change the input type and it will make the text masked and replace it with astericks or dots.
For your Information: Before we begin, we feel obligated to advise you that the above form is for all intensive purposes a "Stand Alone" form. In other words, it really does not do much of anything other than what you see. In order to make it function as designed, you need to incorporate it into a valid working form. If you do not have a good Solid Knowledge of HTML coding, javascripts, forms and reconfigurations, please "Do Not Attempt" this until you are Proficient in the aforementioned areas.
Visible Form Field Type something into the below form <input type="text" name="passwd" size="15" |
Masked Form Field Type something into the below form <input type="password" name="passwd" size="15" maxlength="15"> |
All we actually did was to change the <input type="text" value to that of <input type="password". Now the text is masked from the being seen.
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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