Hide A Link Howto

B elow we will show you the different ways in which to add the hidden link effect into your pages. The first one will be changing the link text color and using actual text words for the link.

A ll you really need to do in this example is put an opening and closing font tag around the link text that is the same color as the page it sits on.

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="?">Link Name Here!</font></a>

I n the above example you will notice the ?. Since this page is black (#000000), you would substitute the hex code of #000000 for the ?. See the below example with the link text missing because of the color attribute added. If you would high-light the blank space between the opening and closing </font> tag, you will see there is text there.

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="#000000"> Link Name Here!</font></a>

N otice the positioning of the font tag. It is directly in front of and behind the clickable link text. Be sure you use the same positioning or the effect may not be the same.

I n actuality, all you are doing is over-riding the default link colors for a specific purpose set within your body tag.

I n the next example, we will substitute the apostrophe ' for text words for more invisibility. We will still change the font color of the link.

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="?">'</font></a>

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="#000000">'</font></a>

I n this final example, we will not use any text or characters, just a single space between the end of the URL and the closing </a> link tag. In this example even though there is no text involved, you do still need the color attribute added otherwise you may get the little line under the link on mouseover.

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="?"> </font></a>

<a href="Path To Your Link"><font color="#000000"> </font></a>

Y ou can also use the below style tag to remove the line underneath the links. With this you have to remember that it is not selective, it will remove the line underneath all the links on the page. The below is inserted into the <HEAD> section of your document.

a:hover{text-decoration: none; color:?;}

N otice the above ?. You can play around with the color until it fits your page. You can either use a word for the color or the HEX code. If you use the HEX code, remember to use the prefix of # prior to the 6 digit HEX code. Below is a color chart that makes use of both words and HEX codes for colors you can use and save to your favorites if you want.
Color Picker ]

W hen you are dealing with concealment, the best place to hide something is right under a person's nose. People by nature are curious. If you do not dangle the unknown in front of them, most times out of ten they will not look for it. This is why when you are hiding a link, you put it right in front of you but inconspicuously where no one will look for it if they even look at all.

R emember that the smaller* the hidden link, the less space it will take up on the page. If you use complete words, it will be the largest size. If you use a character, it will be much smaller yet possibly visible under certain conditions and last but not least (to coin a phrase) a single space on a page is the most unobtrusive possible yet serve the purpose intended.

*     When we refer to size, we are referring to what will be seen on the page by your guests. The link itself can be as long as needed or is specified to get to the called page. (This is not seen anyway). The part we are defining is the link itself that is clicked on from the page itself.

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