What Are And Howto Use
Zip Files

Z ip files are a very convenient way of compressing larger files for storage and or sending and receiving. The only problem with receiving or downloading a "Zip" file is you need a way to "Unzip" the file so you can see it or make use of it.

A n unzipping utility or program "Must" be installed in your system before you can even attempt to unzip and zip files. Once you have an unzipping utility installed you can send, receive and open zipped files.

N ow that we have an unzipping utility installed in your system, lets get down to how to unzip you midi files and upload them to your editor so your guests can listen to music.

1)      You have selected a midi file you want to use on your site.
2)      A box opens and you have two choices on how to save it. You want to select "Save To Disc".
3)      Reason you don't want to open from same location is because files can contain viruses that prior to unzipping you should run a virus scan on it.
4)      Now you want to save it to your Desktop for convenience.
5)      Once saved you will now have a new icon on your desktop that looks like a "C" clamp holding a file. This is your compressed zip file.
6)      Now double left click on the zip file to open the unzipping utility. Once open, you want to extract (Unzip) it to a convenient place for uploading. ie your Desktop.
7)      Once the file is unzipped you can now upload it to your editor.
8)      Remember the file you upload now will have a file ending of .mid so when you put the path of your music into the code, the file extention should look something like this:
8a)      <EMBED SRC="Path To Your Uploaded Music.mid"

F or more information on an unzipping utility;
http://www.winzip.com ]

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