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Accept Terms Form Submission - Forms ]
Survey By The Consigliere™ ]
Link Rotator ]
Tip Maker Teatarea Box ]
Random Web Site Award ]
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Scrolling Marquee Alt Tag On Image Mouseover ]
News Bar ~ Rotating Links In A Box ]
Scriptis ~ A Tetris Clone Game ]
Multiple Search Engines ~ One Script ]
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Login Box Generator For Password Protected Pages ]
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Browser Correct Download Instructions ]
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Drop Down Menu ~ Opens In New Window ]
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Radio Buttons As Links ]
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Archives Of Published Material ]
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Redirect With Animated Count Down Window ]
Instant Messenger Encryption ]
Redirect With Count Down Form Box ]

If you would like to know howto add the Open links in secondary ( new ) window
grab the below link and you are there
Open Links In New Browser Window ]

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