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E-Mail Time Stamp Converter ]
Color Chart Slider Control ]
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Overlapping Content Link ]
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Bullet Links ]
Slide Show ~ Presentation ]
Text Encryption ~ High Quality ]
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Reveal Web Page Gradually ]
Color Editor v1.2 ]
Add Random Music To Your Site ]
Basic HTML Web Design Course ]
Calendar Database ~ Programmable ]
Fine Tune Your Color ]
Send Someone A Big Wet Kiss ]

Web Form With Redirection ]
How To Redirect A Page Automatically ]
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Pop-Up Clock ]
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Vanishing Pop Up Window ]
Dictionary Of Computer Terminology ]
Simple Calculator ]
Scientific Calculator ]
Gangster Alias Generator ]
Alarm Clock ]

If you would like to know howto add the Open links in secondary ( new ) window
grab the below link and you are there
Open Links In New Browser Window ]

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