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Open links in secondary ( new ) window

Snowing Links ]
Weight Watchers Points Calculator ]
Document Magnifier 2.0 ]
Popup Always On Top ]
RegExp Form Validation ]
Search By Date Page Added ]
Set Homepage Link ]
Borderless Clock ]
Image Upload Preview-Forms ]
Document Viewer-Tabbed ]
Absolute Path vs. Relative Path ]
External JavaScript(.js) File ~ Howto ~ Generate ]
Style Player ~CSS For Buttons and Text Boxes ]
Strip/Remove HTML Tags (form) ]
Time and Date ]
Link Previewer ]
WIN XP Progress Bar ]
Wavy Text Applet ]
Alert Pop-Up Message Generator ~ IE Only ]
Shopping List ~ Printable ~ ]
Business Cards For Free ]
Cursors ~ Fancy ]
Midi Player Amplifier ]

New Layered Browser Window Navigation ]
Disable Enter Key - Forms ]
Bravenet Free Web Services ]
Color/Hex Code Creator ]
Pop Up Window With Redirect ]
Logo Fade (Horizontal & Vertical) ]
Non Solicitation Clause ]
Directory Page 9   On Line Services ]
Search Engines Add One To Your Site
POP3 SMTP Mail How To Configure ]
Hover Effect On Link On Mouseover ]
Text Effects IE Only ]
Web Design Forum Post Your Question Here ]
Pop Up Window Minimized In Tray Like Advertisements ]
Double Status Bar Message ~ Stationary And Scrolling ]
Homepage ~ Take Me To My Homepage ]
Search Your Hard Drive 2 ]
Mouse Clock ~ Clock Rotates Around Your Cursor ]
Double Drop Down Menu ]
Kissing Trail ~ Kissing Follow Your Cursor ]
Drop In Content Box ]
Appointment Calendar Generator ]
Applet Banner Creation With The Junk Machine ]

If you would like to know howto add the Open links in secondary ( new ) window
grab the below link and you are there
Open Links In New Browser Window ]

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