Today is . Page created 04/17/03, updated 03/27/10

Instant Messenger Services Instant Messenger Encryption Enigma Encryption Device

SimpLite, the free instant messengers security solution for Instant Messenger. Encryption For MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ and AOL (AIM) Instant Messenger.

You are using instant messaging software to chat with your friends or colleagues. Did you know your messages are sent over the Internet in cleartext form?

By encrypting messages before they leave your computer to the Internet, SimpLite puts your Messenger conversations away from eavesdroppers. SimpLite benefits from state of the art algorithms to secure your messages, while staying very easy to use.

SimpLite is free for a personal use at home or at the office. The only restriction is that only one product from the SimpLite family can be launched at the same time: either SimpLite-MSN, SimpLite-AIM, SimpLite-ICQ or SimpLite-Yahoo!.

For Your Information For your Information:     The only downside Unhappy Smiley is that for it to function correctly and encrypt all inbound and outbound messages, both parties must have the software installed.

If you would like to add this Instant Messenger Encryption into your system, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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