09/10/02 updated 02/18/06

Happy Valentines Day!

Kissing Trail

S pread the love on your site with this kissing trail script! It plants big kisses behind your mouse as it moves, each disappearing only after a noticeable delay (set to 1 second in demo). Works in IE and NS6 as well. This is a good script to utilize during special occasions, such as Valentines Day. We have also designed other holiday pages such as this one that you can find the links for at the bottom. The background sets do not come with the script but you can find the link to the different background sets we have implimented at the bottom also.

W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5, Opera8.52, Netscape7.02, Netscape8.0.4 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms with no variations observed.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, two part copy any paste code with actually no configurations unless you want to set the time delay and the maximum number of images to appear. The first part of the script gets pasted into the <HEAD> section of your document. This is where you would do any and all reconfigurations if you want to. The second part gets pasted into the <BODY> section of your document with no reconfigurations.

T he only other thing you need to do is to upload the two images from the script site. They have been put in a convenient zip file for you to upload, unzip and add into the same directory as the page it will go on.

I f you do not understand zip files or do not have a program to unzip the images, you can just save these 2 images and upload them into the same directory as your page with this script on it. As you can notice in the table the two images are located, the images are transparent so they will work on any light color page. We have tried them on a black page and they do have "white" speckles around the images and it looks terrible! Grab the below link and see for yourself how it appears on a dark background.
Images On Dark Background ]

lips_small.gif   small_heart.gif

<HEAD> Section Reconfiguration

kisserCount = 15 //maximum number of images on screen at one time
curKisser = 0 //the last image DIV to be displayed (used for timer)
kissDelay = 1000 //duration images stay on screen (in milliseconds)
kissSpacer = 50 //distance to move mouse b4 next heart appears
theimage = "lips_small.gif" //the 1st image to be displayed
theimage2 = "small_heart.gif" //the 2nd image to be displayed

I n the above section of script you will notice the number 1000. This translates into one second. If you want 2 seconds your would change that to 2000 etc. You will also notice the number 15. this is the maximum number of images on the page. If you feel that is not a good amount for your site, just play around with it until you find what works for you.

O ne last note on the above section of script. If you notice where the two images are located. They do not have a full path to the location of where the images are called from. Proper HTML coding dictates that you should use the complete path to the image and not just the name of the image. It should look something like the below example

theimage = "http://www.your directory/lips_small.gif" //the 1st image to be displayed
theimage2 = "http://www.your directory/small_heart.gif" //the 2nd image to be displayed

S o what we are trying to say is that when we uploaded the two images instead of using just the image name we used:

theimage = "https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/lips_small.gif" //the 1st image to be displayed
theimage2 = "https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/small_heart.gif" //the 2nd image to be displayed.

T his way when we call upon the image to load it has the complete path for where it is located and faster for the computer to read where it is.

O n a couple of final notes! If you decide to use the holiday background sets, you do need to put all your text, graphics, links etc. other than the "Header" and "Side Graphic" inside a table and align it so as not to cover the background image on the left side. See the table example below:

<div align="right">
<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" width="625" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3">
<tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left" colspan="3">
All Your Text, Images, Links, etc. Go Here!

T he last note as in this page, you will notice we have the background fixed or stationary so everything other than the "Hearts" on the left side scroll. If you add the background sets and are not familiar with howto set the background image and or to fix it as stationary, see the below example of how you would insert this into your body tag:

<BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" BODY BACKGROUND="Path To Your Uploaded Background Image" bgproperties="fixed" text="#000000" link="#ba55dc" alink="#ba55dc" vlink="#ba55dc">
<basefont size="3">

I f you don't want the background "Fixed", just remove the attribute of bgproperties="fixed"

I f you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. We are also adding different images to this script for different holidays. (See the below links for the different holidays). We hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there,
contact us ].

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