Your Logo On Your Page

I f you would look at the lower right corner of your screen and start to scroll down, you will see the logo is constantly visible. Besides being a way to always have your logo visible, we will also show you how to add an email option to the logo itself.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts this is rather an easy two step code. The onLoad event handler is placed within the <BODY> tag of your document and the rest is all within the <BODY> section itself. If you do not know how to place the onLoad handler into your body tag, see the below example.

<body bgcolor="#000000" BODY onload="setVariables();checkLocation();" text="#ba55dc" link="#fff8dc" alink="#fff8dc" vlink="#fff8dc">

W hen you get to the code site, you will see they have an excellent tutorial on howto included within their page. We will cover just the places that are not explained.


K eep in mind or write down the size of the graphic, image or logo in pixels. This is one of the reconfigurations you need to make. The pixel sizes on the code are the "Default" on their logo so you need to change them to yours.

T here is also a reconfguration on the background color of the logo. Their default is set to bgcolor=#ffffff. This code is for the color "White" on the logo background. You may need a Hex Code chart to get the color you want. We have included a link to a color chart for your convenience.
Color Picker ]

O ther than the recongifurations and to "copy & paste" code, you need to upload your logo into your editor so you can link to it from the code.


I f your visitors click on the logo they can send email to you. To do this all you need to do is where you enter your URL for your logo image make it look like this:

<a href="mailto:Your Email Address"><img src="Path To Your Logo" border=0 width="?" height="?" alt="?"></a>

Final Notes

J ust above the place in the code you add your image you will see
<table width=10 bgcolor=#000000><td>.
This is where you will change the table color around your image. We suggest you just remove the bgcolor attribute and give your logo transparency. This way you will not have a box around your logo to possibly cover up some of your text as the page scrolls. Then it would look like this as we have ours.
<table width=10><td>.

T he below link will take you to an Adobe on line graphic designer if you would like to design your logo here. When the page opens, select "Create A Graphic". Remember, if you are going to add transparency behind your logo, it has to be in GIF format. JPG format doe not support transparency.
Adobe Graphic Designer ]

I f you are wondering how we have all our text situated to the left and the logo never covers any text it is quite simple. All our text outside the header is set inside a table and aligned to the left. If you would like to view our source code to see how we did this, just click the below button. We have clearly marked the table that all our text sits in.

I f you would like to add this effect to your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you do have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

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