Now with this script, Netscape6.0+ viewers can also see the marquee effect that was only reserved for IE before. This cross-browser marquee has added features, such as configurable speed, background color, and option to pause scroller on mouseover.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6.0, IE 7.0, Netscape4.08, Netscape7.02, Netscape 8.1.3, Netscape 9.0b2, Opera 9.23, AOL Explorer 1.5 and Safari 3.0.3. This script worked well in all platforms tested with one variation observed in Opera7.23 .
Depending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, one (1) step copy and paste code that is inserted in the <BODY> section of your document where you want it to appear. The reconfigurations are very easily explained within the code itself.
//Specify the marquee's width (in pixels)
var marqueewidth=500
//Specify the marquee's height
var marqueeheight=25
//Specify the marquee's marquee speed (larger is faster 1-10)
var marqueespeed=3
//configure background color:
var marqueebgcolor="#000000"
//Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?
var pauseit=1
//Specify the marquee's content (don't delete <nobr> tag)
//Keep all content on ONE line, and backslash any single quotations (ie: that\'s great):
var marqueecontent='<nobr>Put Your Messages, Image(s), Link(s) Etc. Here
I n reference to your marquee messages, images, links etc., just write the code like you would normally for text, images links etc. See the below example of our marquee message exactly how we wrote it within the code.
var marqueecontent='<nobr><img src=""border=0 width="30" height="30" alt="Smiley Icon Image" align="middle"> <font face="georgia,arial,helvetica"size="3"color="#fff0f5"><i>This is a cross browser marquee so now <font color="#ff0000">Netscape6.0+</font> can view the same effect that only <font color="#1e90ff">Internet Explorer</font> had before. If you would like this effect on your pages, grab the following link and you are there! <font color="#ba55dc">[ <a href=""target="_blank">Get Code Here</a> ]</font>. Yes images and image links also!</font></i> <a href=""target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 width="30" height="30" alt="Smiley Icon Image Link" align="middle"></a></nobr>'
N otice in the above section of code that we made use of all the proper HTML coding features such as
1) Complete Image Tag Including Alignment To Text
<img src=""border=0 width="30" height="30" alt="Smiley Icon Image" align="middle">
2) URL Including Opening In New Browser Window
<font color="#ba55dc">[ <a href=""target="_blank">Get Code Here</a> ]</font>.
3) Complete Image Link
<a href=""target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 width="30" height="30" alt="Smiley Icon Image Link" align="middle"></a>
S o in other words, you can basically write regular HTML coding within the marquee with no problems.
We hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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