I f you agree, then pass this along to every person, place and media you can think of so that eventually those responsible will read be able to read it - it's from all us. This is linked directly to our prayer page. So just send our prayer page and this is included.
From : We the people of The United States Of America
To: Those responsible for the World Trade Center terrorism
Y ou will NOT dampen our spirits, steal our freedoms, weaken our position or cause us to run or hide in any way. Today we were an easy target for cowards such as you because we stand tall, hold our heads high and allow ourselves to be seen and heard across the nations. We do not cower like spineless jackals as you do, hiding under the slime of cowardice, waiting until no one is looking to strike like a slithering snake.
Y ou may think you have tasted victory, but instead, you have sealed your own fate with your acts of terror and doomed yourselves to forever crawling on your bellies and hiding your faces. You will never stand tall, or be recognized for any good. Your own people will know your shame and be forever tarnished by your acts. You may be feared, but you will never be respected, even among your own.
I n your fantasy you rise up to rule the world, in reality, you will live in the sewers of the world like fetid rats, hiding among thieves and criminals, never welcome at any congress or among the decent people of any land. You have made your existence known by your acts of cowardice, and you are now doomed to run and hide. Your followers will tire, weaken from the strain and in the end will turn on you for delivering to them, not rights and freedom, but the enslavement of guilt and culpability for these senseless acts of violence.
W e challenge you to stand up and show yourself, but expect that you will not, for every reviled vermin knows that they can never show their face, lest they meet the inevitable consequence. In the end, you will reap upon yourselves what you have sewn in the doom and destruction of today's events.
A s for us, Americans of every color and every creed, we will move onwards and upwards and continue our effort to spread peace, knowledge and hope to all the world (including the place you live) and make it a better, more civilized place to live. And we will do this by getting up and going about our business, just the same as we have done every other day. You can not stop us or the progression of the civilization of our world anymore than you can stop it turning.
W e are a strong nation, born of many other nations. Our people come from your land and from every other land throughout the world. Which makes your's a crime against every nation and every person. And it would take far more than what some weak mongrels such as you can deliver, to quench our spirit.
T he fires of your destruction have forged our swords and hardened our resolve. And we, the people of America, shall rise above this day with our collective strength, will, determination, loyalty and faith to make every life you took count for everything we can and rid the world of the stench of terrorists like you.
U nited we stand, in spite of your gall. Your attempt to divide us, will end with your fall. May God have mercy on your souls.
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