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S earch the web, newsgroups and more with one search. Awesome script! This is one really cool and detailed multi-search engine and script!

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

A ctually, depending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is a very easy, one part copy and paste code with minimal if any reconfigurations. Just paste the script anywhere in the <BODY> section of your document where you want this effect to appear. Like we said, before, very minimal reconfigurations if any. All we did was change the background colors on the tables and added a table around the complete script. If you do decide to change the background colors within the tables, there are about 25 different places within the script to reconfigure the colors. They will look something like the below example.

<td bgcolor="#00FF00">

O ther than that, we added a table around the complete script, just for cosmetic reasons. To do this, just see the below example of the table we used and how it is positioned.

<table bgcolor="#ba55dc" border="1" width="500" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3">
<td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" colspan="3">

Place The Entire Script Right Here


I f you would like to add this effect to your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you do have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

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