News Bar

M essages are automatically rotated and displayed, with the ability to manually cycle back and forth through them. This script is created entirely using form buttons. Will work in IE, Netscape and updated for Opera. This is also a great space saver for links that will catch people's eye. It takes up only one line on your page and you can add as many links as you want.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where the following variations were observed.

1)    The different colors on mouseover do not work.
2)    Instead of the colors for the news bar, all you will see is normal form buttons.
2)    This does not hamper the basic (plain-no colored forms) operation of the script.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, one part copy and paste code that is placed anywhere in the <BODY> section of your document where you want it to appear. Basically, the reconfigurations are minimal as to replacing the default links and titles to that of your own.. Other than that you can change the colors on mouseover and thats about all that you can do with reconfigurations.

B elow we shall show you where and how to make your reconfigurations within the script.

 var msgs = new Array(
     "Click here to go back to Dynamic Drive",
     "JavaScript Kit- free scripts and tutorials",
     "Wired News- Technology and beyond",
     "New Link Title Here",
     "" ); // No comma after last ticker msg

Above Are The Names Of Your Links & Below Are The URL's

 var msg_url = new Array(
     "New URL Here",
     "" ); // No comma after last ticker url

Y ou can add as many links to this effect as you need. Just be sure to follow the proper sequence and place all new entries above the last entry that is void of the ,.
See the above!

B elow is where you set the barwidth, setdelay between link changes and colors on mouseover_color and mouseout_color (default color)

var barwidth=350 //Enter main bar width in px or %
var setdelay=3000 //Enter delay between msgs, in mili-seconds
var mouseover_color='#E1FFE1' //Specify highlight color
var mouseout_color='#FFFFFF' //Specify default color

T he next and final reconfigurations that you may choose to make are the colors, borders and size of the text and box size.

if (ie4||ns6){
document.write('<form name="news_bar"><input type="button" value="3" onclick="moveit(0)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22;
border-right-width:0px;" name="prev" title="Previous News"><input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" style="color:#000000;background:#FFFFFF; width:'+barwidth+'; height:22;
border-width:1; border-color:#000000; cursor:hand" onmouseover="" onmouseout=""><input type="button" value="4" onclick="moveit(1)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22; border-left-width:0px;" name="next" title="Next News"></form>');

T he above reconfigurations you will need to play around with until you come up with the right combonations of colors for your site.

I n our example, we have all the heights and widths set for 30 with a border size set of 5 and a border-color of FF00FF. The only other thing we feel we need to explain is the style="color:#000000. This is the setting for the color of the text inside the box. The hex code of #000000 is black.

W hen reconfiguring the background:#FFFFFF, keep in mind that this color needs to be the same color as in the default color as shown in the second part of the reconfigurations.

I f you would like to add this effect to your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you do have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

W e received the script from the site on 03/18/02 and received scripting errors from their copy and paste code that you would get. We immediately notified them where the "Bug" within the script was and the changes needed to be made in order for it to function properly without error messages. It has been rectified as of 03/21/02.

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