From The Desk Of The Consigliere™

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From The Desk Of The Consigliere™
From The Desk Of
The Consigliere™

September 30, 2001   Keeping you up-to-date every single week!
Message From The Consigliere™

Please Read This And Pass It On To Everyone You Know

Well, another week has gone by and as usual, the staff at Consigliere™ Ltd. has been busy as usual updating and adding new and improved stuff for your use. We, like the rest of the country are trying to rebuild our lives and go on.

Angelfire Page Opening Issues

We would like to apologise to anyone who on the 27th of this month, could not get to our site or open any Angelfire Pages. The Consigliere™ was on the phone as usual trying to rectify the problem asap. He has been assured that the problem has been dealt with and aleviated. Here is the direct transmission from Angelfire's Technical support to The Consigliere™.

".....Hi Consigliere,

Thank you for contacting Angelfire.

After our phone conversation, here is also a transmission you can post on your letter so your readers will be made aware of why they were having problems opening Angelfire pages.

We apologize for the server speed issues you've encountered with Angelfire lately. Our engineers have resolved the issues that were causing the problems, so you should see a marked improvement in our services.
Thank you for your patience, and thanks for being a member of Angelfire!

Please let us know if you have any more questions.


Angelfire Product Support Specialist..." ]

Tips and Tricks

Each week we add a little tip to assist you in your web building. Some of the things you already know and sometimes you will come across a thing or two that you wanted but did not know where to find it. This week we will feature
"CSS Text Effects"

This next effect makes use of style sheets that allow you to format specific text effects for shadows, drop shadows and glowing characters. Play with the variables to see which works best for you. Filter effect names are "shadow" "dropshadow" and "glow".

The below is the little sniplet of code that you would use to get this effect. Be advised that these effects will look different on different colored backgrounds. The below links will take you to a script tester and a color chart where you can see the effects on different colored backgrounds. Just copy and paste the below two codes into the script tester and change the backgound and effects to see how it looks.

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ba55dc" link="#ffa500" alink="#ffff00" vlink="#ffa500">
<basefont size="3">

<TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=purple)">

The two above codes are only to be used if you want to see how these effects will work on different color backgrounds. The second of the two is what you would paste into your document. The above bgcolor is set for #000000 which is black. #FFFFFF would be white. If you also need a hex color chart for reference, We have also included a link to a color chart.
Script Tester ]
Color Chart ]

The Consigliere's™ Top Question

Every week we receive 100's of different questions on Web Design, Security, Email, Internet etc. There is always one question that sticks out more than the rest. So What we have decided to do is post the top question of the week and show you how we answer it. If you feel you would like to add to the answer feel free to contact us with your input on the question.

I need Help to find something!!
I build and design Java Scripts and am tired of having to use a web page for testing the scripts. It takes too long to keep switching back and forth to see if it works and are any errors.. My question is if you know where or have a script tester I can save to my desk top for easy access?
          Java Junkie In Joplin

Well, "JJ", look no further. We have and use a really good script tester that you are more than welcome to save it to your desk top. If you would follow the below link, you can check it out and save it. May we also suggest that we also have a script encryption generator you may want to see also. This generator will encrypt your scripts so people can't read them but are completely readable by a computer.
Java Script Tester ]
Source Code Encryption ]

test Your Knowledge

Each week, we will pose a different question to all our readers and see how it is answered. The questions will be in a forum that you can link to from here. The following week, you will see the answers and a new question. These questions will pertain to web designing, computers,internet, security, etc.

Test Your Knowledge

This week the question will pertain to

If You Like Our News Letter

Please don't forward this letter to your friends. The reason being that the HTML configurations will not appear in a forward and all they will receive is words, no links or images.

If you would like to send a sample of our news letter to your friends, go to the below link and from there you can send a past issue that we update and archive every week.
News Letter Archives ]

Personalized News Letter

We at Consigliere™ Ltd. have come up with another free service we are offering if you are registered for our news letter.. If there is a specific copy of our news letter you particularly like and it is archived and would like to have it personalized to you, we will build one that is customized just for you. You will have an individual URL that is for you. It will look like one of our sample archived letters with your name on the top.
Customized Sample News Letter ]

Just contact our News Letter Staff and include the date of the issue and the name you would like shown on top of the letter.

Customized News Letter Request ]

Domain Registrations

Domain Registration By VeriSign ]
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The Consigliere's™ Signature

News Letter Built And Maintained Exclusively by
News Letter Staff Of Consigliere™ Ltd.

Copyright © Consigliere Ltd., All Rights Reserved. 2001-


Weekly Quote

"Luck is the residue of design."
Branch Rickey
former owner of the Brooklyn Dodger Baseball Team
Dr. Gabriel Robins

Weekly Links

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Consigliere's™ Private Desk

Every once and a while something will come across Consigliere's™ desk that he feels he wants to share with everyone. So each week we shall post something different that he wants us to share with you.
Consigliere's™ Desk

Can't seem to find the effect you want to add on your site. Tell us and we can help.
The Consigliere™

USA All The Way

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